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08-02-07, 10:54 PM
It's time that Aquafina gets a little of their own medicine. LOL

08-02-07, 11:14 PM
The aquafina thread was one of the strangest I've read. Bottled water ... the whole thing conjures up pictures of a couple guys filling bottles with a garden hose. The reality is that they take tap water and refine it to zero levels of heavy metals and chemicals. Does the pure swedish bottled water conjure up pictures of a couple guys shoeing the goats away so they can fill plastic bottles with pure spring water? I for one enjoy water straight out of the tap. There has been some tap water that I would pass on though. Smells like a swimming pool and tastes like a rotten egg smells.

08-02-07, 11:34 PM
I agree with the SGT, it plainly states on the lable "PURIFIED", WTF?