View Full Version : "From the Battlefields of France"

03-22-03, 03:31 AM
General Pershing gave this made this speach on April 4, 1918 to the people of France - I found it when I was looking up some interesting things. As I read it, I thought how it still applied today and could be used line for line if General Franks were to give such a speach to the people of Iraq. Okay, he was an Army General - but he had a great deal of respect for the Marines.

Three thousand miles from home, an American army is fighting for you. Everything you hold worthwhile is at stake. Only the hardest blows can win against the enemy we are fighting. Invoking the spirit of our forefathers, the army asks your unshrinking support, to the end that the high ideals for which America stands may endure upon the earth.