View Full Version : Need bootcamp advice

07-11-07, 02:45 AM
im not a very big guy, but im able to pass an ist with 6 pullups, 90 situps in 2 minutes and a 11 minute mile and a half. and ive been readin on the internet alot about bootcamp and tips to get through it. but ive been concerned that i may actually wash out but not by choice. i feel that the extensive pt'ingand possible the swim qual may fail me from bootcamp. if i could get an advice on these issues or just basic reassurence i would greatly appreciate it. i a very motivated and i feel tat nothing can stop me from becoming a marine its just in the back of my mind i know that there is a lingering fear of not being able to make it. any help would b appreciated

07-11-07, 07:30 AM
To start, I see you do not use caps, only lower case, whatever. However when using the term Marine plz try to always use an upper case. Thats how we roll on this team.

It matters notta if you're big or small in the Marines, what matters is what is on the inside. You sound like you may have more issues on the inside than outside.

Use the search funtction and read some of the stickys on the Poolee section....learn all you can. Its ok to ask questions however folks have spent a lot of time posting stickys and what not, so use that feature as well.

07-11-07, 12:58 PM
The numbers you give are ok, they will get you through the IST. That being said I would seriously work on the pullups. I went in only being able to do 8, on the final PFT I did 17 ( 18 actually but the last one wasn't counted).

As far as the swim qual it really depends on you MOS how far you go. I only recieved a swim qual 4 because my MOS does not rate higher, though I wanted to do more, but swim qual 4 is rather easy as long as you can at least swim. If you can't they will work with you. We had 2 in our platoon that could not swim and they made it.

Basically you need to start believing in yourself. You CAN do more than you think you can and trust me you will find that out in bootcamp.


07-11-07, 01:18 PM

The doubts you have are the same as everyone. Everyone wonders whether or not they measure up. You will be tested more than ever before. You decide whether or not you will succeed - only you. You make it happen, but you can also choose to quit, fail, cry to your momma or anything else negative too. So if you want to do it, then do so, and make us all proud. When you are knocked down, get up. If you are weak in some areas, you must work on them more than others. The DI's and other instructors will assist, but only if you don't quit. You will want to, so be honest with yourself, and focus on your goal. Being a Marine isn't free, it's invaluable. Good luck!
PS - jetdoc is 100% accurate. Marine is always capitalized! Semper Fi !!

07-11-07, 01:23 PM
Logan-It's all good. Like the Sgt said, your numbers will get through the IST. When I went to boot camp I was only doing 5 pull ups, about 60 situps and running 3 miles in 24 or 25 minutes. Maxed final PFT with 20, 120 and 17:20. I could swim when I went in but went unq when I cramped up in the water. They took me over to another pool, along with the other unq's, where I did not belong and worked with us and we all qualified. You will be fine. You seem to have the right mental attitude as far as nothing stopping you. Keep believing that and nothing will! Good luck!

07-11-07, 03:04 PM
Thanks alot guys! An I will check the poolee section to look up any tips I can find. Once again, thanks for your support!