View Full Version : Questions about MOS

06-18-07, 05:53 PM
Ok after my four years are up in the Marines and lets say im planning on renlisting. If I was a 5811 during my four years and it wasnt for me, could I renlist as a 03xx or another MOS and if I did would i keep any rank i had earned in my prior MOS?

Sgt Leprechaun
06-18-07, 08:28 PM
You are promoted based on your MOS, but you don't lose rank if you lateral move. However, if you are a Sergeant at the time you latmove, you lose what is known as "MOS Credibility", which can affect your promotion to SSgt.

Lateral moving is not always possible, many factors play into that.

06-18-07, 08:50 PM
If im not a Sergeant at the time I make a lateral move would I still lose "MOS credibility"