View Full Version : "I like Ike"

04-27-07, 06:39 PM
Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Eisenhower_d-day.jpg/748px-Eisenhower_d-day.jpg (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Eisenhower_d-day.jpg)

04-27-07, 07:05 PM
Aren't the liberals declaring preventative war on the planet, on global warming? Which then declares preventative war on the American People? Hypocrites.

04-27-07, 07:11 PM
Cutting green-house emissions is war ???

04-27-07, 07:29 PM
Aren't the liberals declaring preventative war on the planet, on global warming? Which then declares preventative war on the American People? Hypocrites.

What the hell does your post have to do with Ike and the 101st ?

04-27-07, 07:30 PM
10+++++++++++ Ike was nothingbur a polital a--hole. He hated the Marine Corp. Try to get ride of us several times. Gen. Mac. said of ike that he was the best sec. he ever had.

04-27-07, 07:49 PM
What the hell does your post have to do with Ike and the 101st ?

GSO brother, you and I know who Ike was, but how many here not our age do ?

I just met a 24 year old former Marine that never heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, I was waiting for him to ask me who won that war :D

Good question, glad you asked, thanks !

I could of used Ike's presidential picture, but the connection to his quote for many, in my opinion would of been the same effect as if I had posted Alfred E. Neuman's

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/89/Alfred.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Alfred.jpg)

04-27-07, 07:50 PM
Gen Mac got fired---Gen Ike became Pres. gf

04-27-07, 08:14 PM
I dug around in an old cigar box looking for my "I Like Ike" pin but no luck. In the search I did however find a "Reagan" bumper sticker. :D

04-27-07, 08:31 PM
10+++++++++++ Ike was nothing bur a pol ital a--hole. He hated the Marine Corp. Try to get ride of us several times. Gen. Mac. said of ike that he was the best sec. he ever had.

Brother with all due respect, President Eisenhower was the president who approved of the Marine Corps:usmc: seal and dedicated the :iwo: monument in Washington.

Are you talking about the Douglas-Mansfield Act when the Marine Corps strength fell from 170,000 to 30,000. I imagine allot of lifers blamed Eisenhower.

After the Vietnam war at my brothers wedding, a cousin of my new sister-in-law was a Army Major helicopter pilot that was cut and joined the Marines as a Captain, then recalled into the Army at the same time. The military lays off and recalls too, like business does.

04-27-07, 08:33 PM
I dug around in an old cigar box looking for my "I Like Ike" pin but no luck. In the search I did however find a "Reagan" bumper sticker. :D

Mine said Eich :D

Just joking, LOL

04-28-07, 07:50 AM
Communist China was the closest thing to today's Iran: a rising regional power, radical, ideological, antagonistic, and increasingly bold. Ike's secretary of State called the Chinese "an acute and imminent threat," and compared their "aggressive fanaticism" to Hitler's. Hawks clamored for action, saying that if the U.S. failed to defend Formosa, it would have to defend San Francisco later.

That was the climate in which Ike said:

All of us have heard this term "preventive war" since the earliest days of Hitler. I recall that is about the first time I heard it.... I would say a preventive war, if words mean anything, is to wage some sort of quick police action in order that you might avoid a terrific cataclysm of destruction later. A preventive war, to my mind, is an impossibility today.... I don't believe there is such a thing, and, frankly, I wouldn't even listen to anyone seriously that came in and talked about such a thing.Eisenhower's attitude put him at odds with the hawks of both his time and ours; anyone speaking as categorically against preventive war today as he did in 1954 would be derided by mainstream Republicans as a "defeatocrat," waiting for America's enemies to gather strength and strike first. But the victor of World War II was assuredly no dove. He made clear his theoretical willingness to use nuclear weapons, he sent U.S. marines to Lebanon, and he said, "We do not escape war by surrendering on the installment plan." The best way to see Eisenhower is as neither hawk nor dove but, so to speak, as a reptile: a cold-blooded realist.

04-28-07, 11:07 AM
The only reason that ike aproved the USMC seal was for votes. Ike was so afread of Gen Mac. If Gen Mac had of run agenst ike, ike would have lost by a mile. Remember ike is the one who would get US in Vietnam. Had it been Gen. Mac we would have been out of Vietnam by 1961. Also remember that in 1954 it was Sen. johnson from Texas who turned the french down for US air cover at Dein Ben fou(sp). The big money was not there for johnson to make at that time.

04-28-07, 01:00 PM
I agree 100 %, Ike did leave the door wide open by not defining the Marine Corps mission under Douglas-Mansfield Act that led to the drastic Marine troop reduction 1957 until 1960. <br />
<br />
As a young...

04-28-07, 04:15 PM
10 I agree with what you have just said, but the reason Gen. Mac stayed so long over seas was everyone was afraid of him. They knew that if he was stateside he would be the next presadent. ike nomater what you say was nothing. ike was as bad a leader as that useless pile of skeet westmarlin. Neather on could not lead a pac od boy scouts across the street without killing half of them. The last good presdant we had was FDR.

04-28-07, 05:24 PM
I agree FDR was the last peoples president.

I do have my reservations about him with WW II though.