View Full Version : Marine Corps Reserve Question

04-26-07, 08:22 PM

I have a question concerning the Marine Corps Reserve/IRR. I and an old buddy of mine that I still know from active duty got into a little argument the other day concerning the IRR recall authority. Anyway, he swears up and down that the Corps cannot recall you and make you serve beyond your EOS or Reserve End of Current Contract without first having a Stop-Loss/Stop Move in effect. I told him that he was incorrect in his thinking regarding this matter. If I am f***ed up on this matter then I stand corrected. I figured somebody on here would probably have some knowledge on this. I am still on the IRR myself and I just told the guy what I thought to be true. S/F

04-27-07, 08:14 AM
Your buddy might wanna review his initial contract that he signed at MEPS. Then your buddy might wanna visit www.usmc.mil (http://www.usmc.mil). Or your buddy might wanna ask one the 12 MPs I personally know that have been called out of the IRR since this past winter. The Corps does not need a Stop-Loss, Stop-Move in effect to call up Marines from the IRR. However, the Marine Corps is targeting approximately 2500 Marines to call up from specific MOSes such as: Infantry, Military Police, Intelligence, and Combat Engineer. Also, as of now the Corps is not calling up Marines who are in their first or last year of IRR time. So if you or your buddy hold these MOSes and are in your 2nd or 3rd year of IRR time, then don't be suprised if you get a certified letter from Chesty himself. Does that answer your question well enough 2ndMaw?