View Full Version : Can Petraeus Pull It Off?

04-26-07, 08:03 AM
Can Petraeus Pull It Off? <br />
By Max Boot <br />
The Weekly Standard | April 26, 2007 <br />
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The news from Iraq is, as usual, grim. Bombings, more bombings, and yet more bombings--that's all the world notices....

04-26-07, 08:39 AM
I think the question really is..."Can America's troops pull it off?" And for me, the answer is simple.
If the American people, AND the U.S. government would get behind our troops and support them 100%....and the Iraqi's who want peace co-operated completely with our troops...they would be able to "pull it off."


04-26-07, 03:02 PM
Its obvious that the Democrats don't want to win this war........ this reminds me of a t-shirt that i saw back when i was active in the mid-80s. Vietnam Good Soldiers Gutless Politicians!!