View Full Version : Hitch hiking story for those who don't like guns

Gary Hall
04-15-07, 11:27 PM
Israel, middle 1980's. While working on an Israeli drilling rig in the Negev Desert near the Biblical Town of Beersheba, the home of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac, we were one day riding down an Iaraeli Highway. Because of the very high price of gasoline (Jordanian gas was only a few cents a gal (liter)). There were throngs of hitchhikers, old, young, male and female. And nearly all were wearing the Israeli Army Uniform. AND NEARLY ALL WERE CARRYING LOADED M-16 RIFLES. We had been earlier advised that as a matter of common courtesy to those in need of some help, to please give hitchhikers a lift when possible. As we smugly cruised along in a land rover type vehicle, with several passengers, it was very hot in the Negev and so we were not too eager to stop for riders, having looked the other way at several hoping for some mercy. Our guilt feelings were suddenly overcome when up just ahead, going our way, was a beautiful young obviously female hitch hiking Israel Soldier. Slamming on the brakes and nearly going out of control, we were suddenly feeling generous to those needing rides and stopped for the Soldier. Smiling and beautiful she opened the door and as graceful as if she were carrying her purse, in the door first came the muzzle of the loaded M-16. Now you undisciplined civilians out there have no idea of the power projected by an M-16, pointed your way. As we happily proceeded along chatting, some lout in the vehicle asked the lady soldier if he could adopt her and just take her back home. She smilingly replied that "No, goyim, your homeland has too many unnecessary self inflicted problems, I will just tough it out here in Israel".
Read this and weep, Ann Richards, you have been hanging around too many of the wrong wine shops, too long. And Pres. George W. Bush, thanks for signing the concealed carry law. It makes me feel maybe I might just have a slim chance, one of these days. No matter where I stand, I stand with Israel. Gary Hall, W-3-1, 50-51, Tyler, TX.