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02-07-03, 07:06 AM
by CWO3 J.R. Murphy, USMCR(Ret)

Marines need to read and study Islam in order to be better prepared to combat radical Islamic terrorism.

As I deployed to DESERT STORM some 10 years ago, I was issued an Islam Facilitation Guide published by the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps—a politically correct handbook to facilitate my understanding of Islam. After Beirut; American Embassy, Dar es Salaam; American Embassy, Nairobi; Khobar Towers; and the USS Cole, is the Marine Corps still using this handbook or a similar, politically correct handbook to prepare our Marines for deployment on hostile ground? The Al Qaeda terrorist organization may be on the run, but our Marines, and Americans in general, will continue to be targets of radical Islamic terrorist organizations. What makes a radical Islamic terrorist organization tick? As Mr. William S. Lind so clearly stated in his November 2001 Marine Corps Gazette article, “Fourth Generation Warfare’s First Blow: A Quick Look,” “. . . we will delude ourselves about the Islamic threat; while there are lax Islamics [Muslims], there in no such thing as a peaceful or tolerant Islam.” Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and some 21 percent of the world’s population is Muslim. Much of this population is in Third World countries that are full of disadvantaged, unemployed, deeply frustrated young men looking to direct their anger. These countries provide a fertile recruiting ground for those who espouse a militant Islamic rhetoric. It is time for Marine leaders to critically examine the “truth” claims of Islam and conduct professional military education (PME) for our Marines.

First and foremost, let’s dispel any fears about conducting PME on a sensitive religious issue. Leaders may fear that this type of training would promote intolerance toward persons of different religions (read that liberty risk). All Marines take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Any training should begin with a review of the First Amendment as well as applicable laws of land warfare and hate crimes. Marines must be solemnly reminded of their obligations. Remember they took an oath, “. . . so help me God.” That is clearly the God of Christianity and not the Islamic Allah. George Washington had some important words regarding the oaths we take. The parting words (farewell address) of this first and two-term President, Commander of the Continental Army, and Father of our Country are worth consideration. In his farewell address, he asked:

Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice?

Washington further warns:

Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars. . . .

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu provided wise counsel for military operations, “So it is said that if you know others and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.”

Know Yourself
So, just how well do we know ourselves (the United States of America)? What do the terrorists know about us (Americans) that we do not even recognize ourselves? In a recent letter sent by Osama bin Laden to the Al Jazeera news network, bin Laden said, “Muslims are being killed in Afghanistan. Pakistan is siding under the Christian banner. President Bush is heading that Christian banner. . . .” The letter also quoted from the Qur’an and called for the unity of Muslims, “Muslims are brothers, and should stand by one another.”1 It should be noted that this letter was immediately broadcast throughout the Muslim world by an Al Jazeera satellite. The Muslim world has a remarkably unified worldview, and the United States has difficulty presenting our views to the Muslim world. U.S. News and World Report hit the mark when they wrote, “The world’s most media savvy country can’t seem to tell its own story in the Mideast and Asia.”2 The article goes on to explain how Muslim newspapers in Egypt and Pakistan have presented stories that the attacks on the World Trade Center were actually an Israeli-American scheme. Muslim claims that the United States is a Christian nation is not a new phenomena. During DESERT STORM, Arab leaders Mu’ammar Qaddaffi and Saddam Hussein called for a holy war against U.S. troops on the “sole basis that these soldiers are, by and large, professing Christians.”3

In reality these Muslim leaders are reaffirming the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Holy Trinity Church v. United States. This remarkable Supreme Court decision declared, “this [the United States] is a Christian Nation” and cited over 80 historical facts on the Christian foundations of our country. This same Supreme Court also reflects on the religion of Muhammad (the prophet of Islam):

. . . we [United States] are a Christian people, and the morality of the country is deeply ingrafted upon Christianity, and not upon the doctrines or worship of these impostors.4

The unit legal officer should pull this case for your Marines to read. The commentary made by the court will suggest to you that there are some gaping holes in our modern textbooks. After reading this court decision, find a history textbook and look up some of the examples cited in this court case. For example, the college textbook, An American History, fourth edition, has approximately 1,000 pages. On page 40 the author discusses the Mayflower Compact. The author states, “This document scarcely two hundred words long. . . .”5 This page alone has over 800 words. If the Mayflower Compact is scarcely 200 words long, why didn’t they just print the entire Mayflower Compact?

After you examine the historical facts, consider the present. Approximately 80 percent of the world’s Christian missionaries are funded by U.S. dollars. As you continue your study, contrast the conversion methods of Christianity and Islam in such places as southern Sudan. Christian missionaries deploy to the world’s poorest countries armed with love, compassion, food, clothes, and Bibles. Radical Islamic governments also deploy in some of these same areas to win converts to Islam with landmines, Antonov bombers, AK–47s, and T–72s.

Know Others
Do we know others (radical Islamic terrorists), or do we facilitate Islam through a sugar-coated, politically correct handbook? PBS Frontline recently aired “Trial of a Terrorist.” During a 4-minute segment of this show, PBS read transcripts of a terrorist turned cooperator and showed corresponding clips of the Al Qaeda training film released by bin Laden last summer. This 4-minute segment should be mandatory viewing for all law enforcement and military personnel who may have to defend against a terrorist. This segment describes terrorist training in tactical urban operations, explosives, attacking a country’s infrastructure, and deployment of chemical weapons. This segment also shows an explosive breaching and entry into their “shoot house.” If you examine the targets in the shoot house, you will observe that they have a cross displayed on them. If someone is going to attack you because they perceive that you have a cross on your chest, you might as well know what the war is about.

In order to understand the nature of a radical Islamic terrorist organization, one must examine the religious teachings they use to make their call to arms. The first place that you can search for clues is the holy book of Islam which is known as the Qur’an. Since most Americans have little knowledge of the Qur’an it may be useful to provide a frame of reference. Since many Americans have some knowledge of the Bible and the Supreme Court declared the United States to be a Christian nation, it may be useful to contrast the Bible with the Qur’an. The Bible contains 66 books written by 40 different prophets and apostles in 3 languages on 3 continents over 1,500 years. The Qur’an is one book, written by one prophet (Muhammad) in one language. It is written in one geographic area over a 23-year period. The Qur’an gives four conflicting accounts of how Muhammad came to be called as a prophet.

Radical Islamic groups focus on the parts of the Qur’an that serve their agenda, such as:

You [Muslims] are the best of people raised for the good of mankind. . . .6 Take not the Jews and Christians for your friends. . . .7 Kill the idolators wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and be in wait for them at every place of ambush. . . .8 The reward of those who wage war against Allah and his messenger . . . is that they be slain or crucified or that their hands and their feet be cut off from on alternate sides. . . .9

The Hadith records the words and deeds of Muhammad, and next to the Qur’an, it is the most important source of Islamic law. The authority is based on the notion that everything Muhammad did was inspired, and his teachings are regarded as binding on Muslims. Once again, radical Islamic groups will gravitate toward the parts of the Hadith that serve their agenda such as:

Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. . . .10 No Muslim should be killed for killing a kafir [infidel]. . . .11 The person who participates in Jihad in Allah’s cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His apostle, will be recompensed by Allah with a reward or booty or will be admitted to paradise. . . .12


02-07-03, 07:07 AM
The Marine Corps has and will continue to serve in every clime and place. Many of these climes and places have militant factions that resent an American presence. Militant Islamic terrorists will feed on this resentment and channel the resentment into hostile action, frequently in the form of suicide bombers. After filling deeply frustrated young men with visions of jihad and eternal life in paradise, they will seek to locate, close with, and destroy an American target. Facilitation leads to a false sense of security. Marine leaders should encourage their Marines to fully examine the issues. We need to apply Sun Tzu’s timeless military principle. . . “if you know others and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.”


1. Robertson, Nic, Letter from bin Laden, CNN 11/1/01.

2. Kaplan, David E. and Michael Schaffer, “Losing the Psywar,” U.S. News and World Report, 10/6/2001.

3. Morey, Dr. Robert A., Islam Unveiled; The True DESERT STORM, The Scholars Press, Shermans Dole, PA, 1991, p. 9.

4. Rector, Etc. of Holy Trinity Church v. United States 143 U.S. 457, 12 S. Ct. 511, 29 February 1892.

5. Gruver, Rebecca, An American History, 4th Edition, Newbery Award Records, Inc., NY, 1985, p. 40.

6. Qur’an, The Oriental and Religious Publishing Corp., LTD, Rabwah, Pakistan, verse 3:111.

7. Ibid., verse 5:52.

8. Ibid., verse 9:5.

9. Ibid., verse 5:34.

10. Ibid., verse 9:57.

11. Ibid., verse 9:50.

12. Hammond, Peter, Faith Under Fire in Sudan, Frontline Fellowship, 1998, p. 94.

>CWO3 Murphy retired in 1998 after 11 years active and 9 years Reserve duty. He has a master’s degree in international relations and wrote this article while preparing a terrorism awareness class.

