View Full Version : Twenty New Year's Resolutions for America

01-07-07, 12:35 PM
Twenty New Year's Resolutions for America
Written by Richard Bentley
Sunday, January 07, 2007

It is the time of the year when many Americans make New Year's Resolutions. Most relate to weight that they will still have a year later, diets that will end before February, and exercise programs that rarely get implemented. In the political realm, pundits usually offer a prediction or two about things that seem predictable in January, but have a way of being laughable six to ten months later.
Many wish for peace on earth, the elimination of poverty, and an end to crime and world hatred. Then, obstacles like political correctness block the way. Too often, we subscribe to ideologies that wish for these things, but have never delivered on their promises. The following represents a 20-point program that would indeed provide peace on earth with fewer deaths in 2007 than will inevitably occur. And it would virtually guarantee the elimination of poverty among today's American underclass and tomorrow's senior citizens within a generation.

1. Eliminate the Internal Revenue Service.
2. Then, cut government expenses to balance the federal budget, and develop a plan to have the federal debt paid off within 20 years.
3. Provide 100% privatization of the Social Security system.
4. Require that a person must show two sources of identification to vote, one with a picture. Absentee voting eliminated except for certifiably infirmed people. As the bugs are worked out with technology, we can eventually go to a system of fingerprint identification.
5. Every grammar school and high school in America would immediately choose between being either a charter school or voucher-eligible, including private schools.
6. From this point forward, education money will follow the student.
7. Full diversity of political persuasion among college professors of any public universities. We need affirmative action of thought, not of race.
8. Eliminate all racial affirmative action programs for government schools and government employment.
9. Elimination of class action law suits.
10. Any union dues used for political purposes must have specific signature approval from union member prior to any paycheck withdrawals.

1. Build a 2000-mile wall from San Diego to the Gulf of Mexico along the Mexican border.
2. Full enforcement of current immigration laws, including stiff fines and jail time for employers hiring illegal immigrants.
3. Any cities employing sanctuary city laws would lose federal funding.
4. Drilling in ANWR and all other oil reserves.
5. Intensive high tech initiation of nuclear energy.
6. Goal of oil-independence by 2016.

1. Use U.S. Air Force to totally destroy any and all known or suspected military installations and bases in Syria and Iran.
2. Remain in the United Nations with the concept of keeping your enemies close, but do not renew their lease at the current U.N. building.
3. Formation of new international peace organization composed of democratically elected, free-enterprise countries to deal with Islamo-Fascism.
4. Utilize current United Nations building for this new organization.

My suggested location for the existing United Nations is Pyongyang, North Korea, since even the United Nations would have a tough time ignoring what they see there. This set of programs would rid the United States of voter fraud. It would immediately turn around the downward slide in public education and grade depreciation, and would have a major impact on improving the education of urban city youth.

These programs would open up the political process to free speech on college campuses and in union halls across America. It would substantially diminish illegal immigration, illiteracy, and crime. It would rid the United States of oil-dependence from middle eastern countries and other dictators around the world. It would all but eradicate the threat of global terrorism. It may even provide the world with the generation of peace that was anticipated at the end of the Cold War.

But much like the change of lifestyle and eating habits that are needed to get totally healthy, I'm pessimistic that Americans do not have the will and discipline it takes to initiate and follow-up with such a foolproof plan.
