View Full Version : What does the 10th General Order mean?

12-18-06, 01:09 PM
To salute all officers and colors and standards not cased.

Like, if you walk by a flag, do you salute it if its flying? I don't get what its saying? Aren't these general orders for a sentry?

And if you have a rifle, you do the rifle salute correct? You don't sling it and salute with your right hand? Do you do the rifle salute in doors (you wear a cover if you're in doors with a rifle right?)

Can someone explain this all to me? haha, and whats a pistol salute?

12-18-06, 01:27 PM
You have everything correct. If you walk past a flag, you salute. The general orders are for a sentry, but that one happens to apply to everyone in uniform.

You perform the rifle salute unless you are already at sling arms. In that case, you perform the hand salute. And if you are indoors, but "under arms" you wear your cover and still salute. Now, just having the weapon doesn't mean you're under arms. (For instance if you just picked it up and are still in the armory.) But if you are on guard duty with a rifle, and you go indoors, you will continue to wear your cover and will salute any offcer you happen to see.

12-18-06, 01:32 PM
Will the officer return the salute since they don't have a cover?

12-18-06, 01:33 PM
And say I was a 2nd Lt. and I walked passed a 1st Lt, would I salute him? (outdoors of course) Or is that more of a "same rank, no salute" type deal? a 2nd Lt would definitely salute a major though, correct?

12-18-06, 02:00 PM
FYI- Colors that are 'cased', are rolled-up and covered with a long cylindrical bag, for storage and safe keeping.
If that 2nd Lt. doesn't salute that 1st Lt., he is NOT following proper military ettiquette.
Also, if you are 'under arms' indoors, and you salute an officer who is uncovered, his correct response is likely to be, "At ease, Marine."
Of course, there is no 'pistol salute.' If you carry a side-arm, it is normally holstered. If you have need to remove it from it's holster, you're probably gonna be a little too busy to worry about a proper hand salute!
Just my thoughts...

12-18-06, 04:06 PM
No, the officer would not return a salute if he is uncovered. He would probably respond with the proper greeting. (Good afternoon Marine- PFC, whatever) Or, he may just give you a nod or an ooh-rah. Hard to tell. In all honesty it isn't a situation what will come up often unless you're an MP.

A Marine will always salute an officer of higher rank. Thus, a 2nd Lt. would salute a 1st Lt. A Lt. Col. would salute a Col. And you'll salute anything that shines (unless it is a Navy Chief- but that is a whole different world.)

12-19-06, 11:41 AM
Have you ever salute'd a Navy chief? I did in bootcamp,reamed me a new a$$hole.

12-19-06, 02:25 PM
I don't know how many Chiefs I saluted! HAHAHAHA! I never could tell until I got right up to him/her anyway (with my eyesight I couldn't see them little bitty things on their collars - no matter WHAT rank). Just remember, anything on the collar you salute - when in doubt, whip it out. Better to get jumped for being stupid than jumped for no respect!