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11-25-06, 05:22 PM

The Enlisted Oath

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. That I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.


What Do These Words Mean To You? I would like to hear your thoughts about how they have impacted you and how they relate specifically to you and your bearing.

Sound Off!


sgt tony
11-25-06, 07:11 PM
They mean to me that I will servie my country and Corps with my life if given the opertunity here at home or in a far off land. I will give my faith to the USA and the Corps. Also that I will follow the orders that are given (they are not for me to second guess). and the most important is in the eyes of god

11-26-06, 07:08 AM

Mean? You have to live them to understand.

What those words did for me carried on in life.

11-26-06, 03:15 PM
Hmmm am I to take it that this question is too hard for Poolee's to answer? It seems that the only ones to answer it are Marines. Perhaps facebooks are more important.

11-26-06, 06:24 PM
I will do anything and everything I can to uphold the sanctity of our constitution, and protect it and what it stands for. I shall not allow any domestic or foreign bodies/persons to get in the way of my duty. I will always obey the orders of my President and any and all officers he and our Congress appoints over me. I shall do so to the best of my ability, in whatever means, until I cease to exist.

11-27-06, 09:30 PM
Thanks for providing an answer jackson it seems that your fellow Poolees are much more concerned with playing grab ass to participate.


11-27-06, 09:45 PM
Sorry Staff Sergeant instead of bsing you, I just really didn't know how to answer it, but after thinking about it, those words are why I joined the Marine Corps as an enlistee instead of the Army as an officer.

I will preserve and protect the Constitution. The Marine Corps is THE only branch of the military that is still rich in tradition and believes in our country. It hasn't been sold out to the liberal wimpy leftists who think the proper way to train a soldier is with love and respect, not fists and hardship. I've personally seen in my life that hardship brings people together, while being spoiled rotten separates them. They have no unity. Marines are the epitomy of Esprit De Corps.

I dont mean this to knock the other services, so don't take it that way. But in my mind only the Marines bear true faith and allegience to our country the way our forefathers would want our military to do it. We do everything, with so little, and are thanked by so few. The Marines are the branch that get stuff done.

11-27-06, 09:46 PM
I promise to follow and stand up for my countries beliefs. No matter who is going against me, I will remain faithful to my country. I will do whatever my leaders tell me to do in order to protect what my country is. I am willing to push myself to the limit for my country and I hope God will extend that limit so I can do even more and more for it. God bless the USA!

11-27-06, 09:47 PM
I've waited 21 years to be able to raise my right hand and say those words. There is nothing more honorable than swearing to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign AND domestic (do democrat politicians quality as domestic enemies? Haha). How many people in America can honestly say that they've sworn to protect and defend the consitution of the United States of America? Not many, and it makes me proud to know that I am one of the few people in this country who have. If nobody were willing to say these words, this country would not exist - thank god for those who have answered the call from all generations.

11-27-06, 10:58 PM
Exactly what it says. I will protect the United States. Foreign and Domestic. Will protect the people from Terroristic threats from People outside the country and within the United States.

11-28-06, 01:32 PM
Lets hear from the rest of you!


11-28-06, 01:34 PM
These words mean everything to me! I 've always have loved our country and I will do everything in my power to defend it. Since I was a kid I wanted to become a soldier or warrior so i could be like men who served. When I went to MEPS I had no idea that i would be saying some of the most important words in my life. The Oath is what seperated me from everyone else. It was that big step in the right direction.

11-28-06, 01:36 PM
As a Poolee those words mean to me that my sphere of responsability extends to the Peoples and Ideas that America protects, encourages and represents. This oath extends in my opinion to all levels not just what duties I may have as a future Marine but also to those things I should do to be a good citizen. Voting, Community Service, Education of myself and others when needed, and raising my son in the core values that the United States and the Marine Corps represents.

As a Future Marine I belive that those words bind me to a common cause of the defence and prolification of the ideas that our Forefathers set forward in the Declaration of Independence and then the Constitution.

It means I will put the needs of our nation and her people above my own until I am released from that duty by the Officers of the Marine Corps or God which ever comes first.

This means I will stand in harms way, I will sweat more in Peace so We will bleed less in War, I will push on where others fall to the roadside.

11-28-06, 03:02 PM
Living by those words means that I have lived honorably. When I took my oath of enlistment I swore to defend this Nation at all costs, but also to do so Honorably, and within the law. I have heard...

11-28-06, 03:58 PM
To me it means, i will do everything possible i can to protect the rights and freedom of everyone, and this country, and that i will do what is asked of me even if i dont want to. I will not Disobey my country or President, i will help protect everything that many others have died to protect for many years.

11-28-06, 07:11 PM
"I, (pick a name the police won't recognize), swear..uhhhh....high-and-tight.... grunt... cammies....kill....fix bayonets....charge....slash....dig....burn.... blowup....ugh...Air Force...

11-28-06, 07:22 PM
On a more serious note...

These words mean to me that I will do everything I can to support this great country, which has nurtured me from birth. It is now my turn to give back, so others may share in the freedoms I have grown up with, and to offer my thanks to those who have gone before me. I will always listen to orders I am given because I will be a true servant to my God, Country, and Corps.

11-29-06, 09:13 AM

You Pups Motivate the hell out of me!