View Full Version : Looking Back

11-20-06, 03:38 PM
Looking Back
Posted By Maj Pain

After looking back at the events again of Sept 11th, the Marine Corps Birthday ( had a blast), Veterans Day, the Marine Corps Museum opening and then looking ahead at Thanksgiving Day approaching, we need to keep one simple thing in mind.

We need to be thankful for living in the greatest country in the world! It’s this time of year that many of us sit around for the holiday season and reflect back at the ups and downs, during Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah but many of us forget that we have the very privilege to celebrate these holidays freely and as we wish.

The ability to choose who we want to vote for, the ability to agree or disagree, unlike in Afghanistan or Iraq, where voicing out could cost you your life. Americans of all races and colors truly cherish their freedom and I know will do what is right in the future to protect these cherished freedoms.

Be it a family gathering at grandmothers for a table wide spread of food, or a simple diner for two in your house or a luke warm mystery meat dinner with some kind of nasty side dish in a bunker in Iraq or Afghanistan, know that Americans around the world are thankful for every freedom we love. Just make sure those who are thousands of miles away from their families this holiday season know you cherish them like the rights and freedoms we all love and they protect.

Semper Fidelis and Happy Holidays
Time for a C-Gar!
Maj P
