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01-22-03, 05:28 AM
Theory ??
I was talking to a close Nam Combat Marine friend last night and told him that something had been bothering me since DC and I wanted to write something about it. I thought I wouldn't because some o you bro's might want to have the men with the nets come get me. After I told Tom my theory, he asked me if "I had a lawyer". I said no. Why?? He said because he was going to sue me for palagerism because he was telling his son Ryan and Uncle Bob the same exact thing Friday night. I asked him to write our theory for us but I decided to go ahead myself. I can't word things like TT but here goes. He said to call it the Ding Dong and Dane Theory. I don't know how you feel about it but here goes...


Well, I’m back from DC. I want to thank the Marines and Doc’s that joined me there to counter protest the anti war protestors. We stood proud across from Marine Barracks to greet these protestors right before their march ended at the Naval Shipyard.

I have developed a new thought process since being there that may change me for a long time. While most of the bro’s I was with exchanged obcenities with these scumbag’s, I never hardly uttered a word. I watched and looked and stared. I wanted to remember every face that passed me by. Then it happened. I noticed they all basically traveled in groups that they came with. As each anti American flag passed by such as the PLO and the Hezzbollah flags it came very clear to me that these protests are going to become more and more volitile. Why ?? Its really very simple. The largest majority of the protestors that were marching with these flags were young, anglo saxon Americans ranging in age from 15 to 21. There were not “College Students”. They were of the “gang” or “Thug” species. It was very apparent. It proved to me that we ARE at WAR right here in our own Country and that when George Bush does it the button, these protests and other activities around our Country are going to get real real ugly.
My theory is that the Terrorists that are here in our Country are going to arm these young American men, give them weapons and turn them loose on the street. The terrorists are going to wage war on us right here in America with our own young men that are being led down a path of death and destruction by them. Don’t believe me ?? Just look at all the young 12, 13, 14, 15 year aged kids walking the streets right now that will pop your ass with a gun for looking at them wrong. Well, what do you think their attitude will be if they are given a few bucks for video games and drugs and a “free” automatic weapon or explosives to boot.

These will no longer be PEACE protests after George hits the button. This may very well turn into a “Revolution”.....I’m telling you folks, I was there. I saw them. I looked deep into their eyes. These Young men are ready to pull the trigger at the drop of a hat. I hope it don’t happen, but remember when it does........YOU HEARD IT HERE !!!! WAKE UP AMERICA....the war is here !!

01-22-03, 08:35 AM
Dane here is another bit of info on your theroy......

I have talked to 4 of my children all of age to fight for their country......19, girl, 21, boy, 22, girl, 23, boy.....
They are all willing to drop their life style to fight for their country.....but I have seen what you saw......Very Upsetting....

I came across this article.....



David Horowitz

January 21, 2003

America under siege

America's enemies within turned out in force on Saturday in Washington DC and San Francisco under the auspices of the Communist Workers World Party operating under its front organization, A.N.S.W.E.R. Once again the demonstrators pretended to be peace activists, who found violence abhorrent and a willing media played along with the charade. Neither the New York Times nor the Los Angeles Times nor any media I saw identified the organizers as Communists who have a long record of support for world terror and its leaders including the Ayatollah Khomeini, Kim John Il, Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.

As reported by the unfiltered cameras of C-Span, the pretense, in fact, was pretty thin. One of the featured speakers was a spokesman for the narco-terrorists in Colombia who opened his rant (all the speeches fell into this category) with, "We have to stop America's war against the people of Iraq, and the people of Palestine, Colombia and the world." America is supporting the government of Colombia against a brutal communist guerrilla force that has been waging civil war there for half a century. Come to think of it, America's enemies in Palestine are the terrorist organizations Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the al-Aksa Martyrs terrorist brigade. And in Iraq, there is a dictator who has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of his own people and has attempted to swallow the country of Kuwait. The spokesman for the Colombian narco-terrorists was quite candid (and why not, since he knows that the American media will present him as a "peace activist" anyway). "As revolutionaries," he said to the crowd, "as progressives, we have to resist American imperialism."

Then came Imam Mussa from the mosque Masjid al-Islam,. Like most of the cast assembled by A.N.S.W.E.R. the Imam had also been a speaker at the Millions For Reparations March last August -- which was more about denouncing America as a racist, imperialist monster than making a case for compensation for any specific injustices (See my report, "Reparations Buffoons On The Washington Mall."). Here is a sample of the rhetoric at that March from Malik Zulu Shabazz (one of the few who was not at the "peace" event): "The President wants to talk about a terrorist named bin Laden. I don't want to talk about bin Laden. I want to talk about a terrorist called George Washington. I want to talk about a terrorist called Rudy Guiliani. The real terrorists have always been the United Snakes of America."

When he got going, the Imam Mussa dotted the i's and crossed any t's that the narco-terrorist spokesman had missed, telling the crowd that the regime change they wanted was in Washington not Baghdad, and that they really didn't want a regime change at all. "We 're calling for a System change," he said. Revolution. "We won't get any justice as long as that criminal Congress is up there. We're calling for revolution. It's revolution time, brothers and sisters. We have to get rid of greedy murderers and imperialists like George Bush in the White House." The Imam then led the crowd -- are you ready for this -- in the chant the suicide bombers use as they blow up innocent men, women and children -- Allahu Ahkbar! Allahu Ahkbar! Allahu Akhbar!"

Democratic NY City Councilman and former Black Panther Charles Baron was also a speaker at the Millions for Reparations March, where he announced he needed to assault a white person for his "mental health." On this occasion he kept his racism in check, but not his rhetoric. "If you're looking for the Axis of Evil," he raved, "then look inside the belly of this beast." He went on to attack America's "monopoly capitalists" (a technical term which veterans of the left will recognize as the mark of Communist and Maoist sectarians) who of course were the puppeteers pulling the President's strings.

Damu Smith, head of "Black Voices for Peace," returned to Baron's theme and made it specific. "Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld," he said, "that's the Axis of Evil."

Larry Holmes "co-founder" of the sponsoring organization who also hosted the Millions for Reparations March, then led the crowd in chants to free two convicted murderers, Mumia Abu Jamal and Jamin al Alamin (H. Rap Brown). This was a set-piece also during the Millions for Reparations March.

It would be reassuring if one could report that a single speaker or face in the televised crowd dissented from the stew of anti-American, anti-white, anti-Jew hatred or the violent incitements, but not one did. The crowd relished the show and was in total sympathy with the message.

Another striking fact about this march in support of global terrorism was the presence of prominent Democrat officials on the platform. In San Francisco, the most powerful Democrat legislator in the state John Burton screamed, "the President is full of ****" and that the President was "****ing with us," while encouraging the general sentiment that America rather than Iraq was the outlaw state. In Washington, Democratic hopeful Al Sharpton attended and DC ex-congresswoman Cynthia McKinney read a speech with the following claim: "In no other country on the planet do so many people have so little as they do in this country." This from a person who notoriously commandeered a taxpayer-funded limousine to take her from her townhouse one block to her congressional offices every morning.

More disturbing by far was the presence of two of the most powerful Democrats in Congress, the potential head of the Ways and Means Committee, Charles Rangel and the potential head of the Judiciary Committee John Conyers, who is of course the author of the Reparations Bill and the icon of the Communist organizers of both marches. Rangel's appearance was especially troubling because he has been a nightly face on TV news shows presenting himself as a patriot and a veteran (he served fifty years ago in Korea) who wanted a military draft so that all America would be involved in the nation's defense. His critics thought he had other agendas, like using conscription to sabotage the war effort. Apparently his critics were correct.

Americans who care about their country and its future should think about the following. This anti-American pro-terrorist movement is now larger than the anti-Vietnam pro-Communist "peace" movement was until the very end of the Sixties. Yet there is no draft. Before the draft the anti-Vietnam movement was very very small. Its demonstrations were numbered in the hundreds of participants, not even the thousands. The first big manifestation of the anti-American left was the Stop the Draft March in Oakland in 1965, which was four years after America's involvement in Vietnam got serious.

The second thing Americans should think about is the fact that this anti-American support movement for America's enemies has deep roots in the Democratic Party. I am a firm believer in the two-party system. I find it extremely worrying, therefore, that one party can no longer be trusted with the nation's security. This problem will not be easily fixed. But it won't be fixed at all unless attention is drawn to it, and we cannot do that unless we stop the charade of calling this a "peace" movement and recognize instead that it is anti-American movement to divide this country in the face of its enemies and give aid and comfort to those who would destroy us.

01-22-03, 08:50 AM
I think Bones should send this to his peace marcher penpals for their input and comments.

Let them compare it to their promises as to what the demonstration would be all about.

I wonder if any of them will admit to having egg on their face?