View Full Version : How Healthy Do You Need To Be

10-24-06, 10:44 AM
I am new to this site and Id like to know if anyone here was way out of shape before going to boot camp I am a varsity football player and varsity wrestler and need to know if theres more I need to do to prepare for boot camp. :iwo:

10-24-06, 11:11 AM
First let me say welcome aboard Leatherneck.com, this site has all the resources to prepare you for what lies ahead of you. Although you are a varsity football player and wrestler and in the best of physical condition you are correct in asking if there is anything else you need to do to prepare for boot camp. Knowlege is very important in becoming a Marine and you can start that training by reading the first post on the link provided below, also read the links at the bottom of that first post. Then use this site to research the forums knowlege, particapate with your fellow Poolee's in the sunday chat and if you have a question that you cant find an answer to Ask A Marine here.



10-24-06, 05:36 PM
Look for the PFT standards - (already an athlete) if you can't do even the MINIMUM that you have to then it ain't for you. You should have no problem. I couldn't even run next door before I went in (don't think I can now either) but I did it then. You guys are WAY prepared these days before you even get to an MCRD so.....................

10-24-06, 07:49 PM
I did alot of 12 oz curls prior to boot camp. Didn't really help my run time, but I knew it would be a while before I could do it again.