View Full Version : Lawsuit Could Force Kerry To Come Clean

10-23-06, 11:47 PM
POW Lawsuit Could Force Kerry To Come Clean <br />
On Vietnam ‘War Crimes’ Charges <br />
- by George &quot;Bud&quot; Day, Chairman, Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation <br />
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(10/15/2006) <br />
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Thirty five years ago John Kerry...

10-24-06, 06:38 AM
Kerry and Fonda and all their aschole friends make me want to puke. I don't even know where to begin on this topic. Way to upsetting to me. Alot of the congress and senate members are still around...

Dave Coup
10-24-06, 07:47 AM
These dirt bags are just like mold and mildew, they don't do well when brought into the light. Unfortunately the public will probably never hear about this lawsuit and what it brought to light sinc e the liberal media is just like a cloud or eclipse and keeps the light from the truth.

Carry on

10-24-06, 08:38 AM
Our ******* media will not report anything negative about these no-good, pieces of feces. I hope they both get what they deserve!!!!!!!!
kerry can eat **** and die and I hope hanoi jane ***** fonda dies of a full body yeast infection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the ***** comes back to KC maybe I can spit in her face too!!!!!!!


10-24-06, 11:54 AM
Hero of our enemy, darling of the left and unable to speak the truth for four decades!


10-25-06, 08:54 AM
You wonder how *******s like ms kerry keep getting re-elected - are the people of Mass that ill-informed or are they all brain damaged.
This SOB belongs in a padded room!!!


10-25-06, 09:21 AM
You wonder how *******s like ms kerry keep getting re-elected - are the people of Mass that ill-informed or are they all brain damaged.

Ole Sarg I have asked myself that same question and the only answer I have come up with is the people of Massachusetts just cant resist her pretty face.


10-25-06, 10:30 AM
Apparently she got a make over for a 2008 election bid.


Zulu 36
10-25-06, 12:27 PM
I think if one could dig deep into Kerry's background one would find a ChiCom face staring back. Kerry's old group, VVAW, was a ChiCom funded organization (probably still is on a caretaker level). So guess where Kerry's real loyalties likely are? Communist China would have loved him as president more than they did Clinton.

Kerry will fight tooth and nail to keep his background as secret as possible. It would be a major victory just to get his full and unabridged military personnel file revealed. For most of us, that alone would be enough to answer a lot of questions. Many of us already suspect what those answers are.

BTW. Those are funny photos. Scary, but funny.

10-25-06, 08:22 PM
I think what bothers me the most is that we Nam Vets have known for decades where this traitor stood and stands in regards to us and our country, yet he has never been held accountable for his...