View Full Version : "Why we fight"

Phantom Blooper
01-14-03, 10:26 AM
In recent years in the United States,many people ask soldiers why we fight for our country and why we would risk our lives on the battlefield. It is very hard to explain to these people why soldiers do it, because they have never experienced it. They don't know what it is like,in fact, they can't even imagine what it is like to fight in combat. Well,here is something that I feel very strongly about,something you can tell those people when they ask you why you do it, and why you would be willing to fight for your country....
Because I live in danger,You live in security...

Because I sleep in the rain,You sleep in the warmth....

Because I endure pain,You endure freedom....

Because I protect you,You are free....

Because I went to fight,You get to stay....

Because my feet hurt,Your's walk freely....

Because I am willing to fight,You don't have to be....

Because I'm on the battlefield,You live your life freely....

Because I carry my pack,You carry your feeling of security....

Because I may be there ,You are here....

Because I may die,You may live....

Thats what fighting for your country is all about.
[QUOTE]"It is the soldier,not the reporter,Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier,not the poet,Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier,not the campus organizer,who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier,Who salutes the flag,Who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag,Who allows the protester to burn the flag." Father Dennis Edward O'Brien,USN

01-14-03, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Phantom Blooper
In recent years in the United States,many people ask soldiers why we fight for our country and why we would risk our lives on the battlefield.

because I'm a Patriot

Red Dragon
01-14-03, 11:14 AM
We fight to protect the Freedoms of this great Counrty because we are a Special Breed of Men and Women............"WE ARE UNITED STATES MARINE."

Red Dragon aka HL

01-15-03, 02:21 PM
We fight because the Marine to the left and right of us depend upon us.

Art Petersn
01-15-03, 02:30 PM
We fought because we were marines

01-15-03, 05:22 PM
I fought because I was told to fight. Or I coulda laid my rifle down and died, then my buddies woulda died. I I just couldn't allow that!!
For America? Nah. Fredom? Nah. Am I Patriotic? Nah. I am a Marine I did what I was told When I was told thats how battles are won. You just try to stay alive and keep your buddies alive.

do I believe in dying for my country? Definitely not!! I believe in making someone else die for thiers thats how battles are won!!