View Full Version : In or To Honor my Recon Platoon Commander

09-10-06, 09:13 PM


As one ages one can get one of several things, wisdom, a better education, family or respect for the things of the past.
Sometimes Fate has a lot to do, about one's life.
When your young or not so young, I first met my Recon Platoon Commander when I was 23 years old or young.
I never could grasp how fortunate I was or would be for being under his command.
Barring the Medal of Honor, he true greatness laid at his attempt to rescue his wounded radioman, at the cost of his life.
That cannot be brought by money, but it was deep in the soul of my Recon Platoon Commander.
May God Grant You Eternal Peace we pray, till we meet again in the ranks of all the Marines, who have served this great Nation.
