View Full Version : looking for HMM-165 S-4

01-05-03, 08:50 PM
looking for anyone who was with HMM-165 S-4 or anyone else for that matter!

01-05-03, 09:01 PM
I was with HMM-165 in 79-80. Broke my ankle, didn't get to go on that cruise. Sat around til they sent me back to the states. I was in Hyd, then did Maint. Control after I broke my ankle til they loaded up to go. Lt Brown was OIC of Maint Control when I was there. He was a Mustang.

01-13-09, 03:21 AM
Wasn't HMM-165 out of Kaneohe at the time under MAG-24? Was the CO a Lt.Col. Bland? Went on two WestPacs on the USS Okinawa? Spent some time in mainland Japan at Atsugi for a few weeks? 165 went to Guam, PI, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand. I even think on one cruise made it over to Kenya, Australia and back again? All in the 79-80 timeframe? ARGGH! Hell that was 30 years ago and I was young, full of **** and vinegar.