View Full Version : How soon we forget History

08-04-06, 09:00 AM
I am sick and tired of the damn Liberals and Liberal Media in this country. And I thank the good Lord above that they weren't so prevelant in History or we'd all be speaking German or Japanese right now depending on which country took us over first.
Since when did War become about only targeting the man or the Haji with the Gun? Since when did we believe we could conduct a war of Surgical Stikes that completely spare "Civilians"? Last time I checked, if the population supports the insurgents or terrorists and they're dancing in the streets firing pistols in the air when US or Israeli soldiers are burned and dragged through the streets, then their legitimate targets.
Do we not remember how WWI and WWII were won? Have we forgotten the Firebombing of Tokyo? The aftermath of the incendiary bombings lead to an estimated 100,000 Japanese dead. This may have been the most devasting single raid ever carried out by aircraft in any war including the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Around 16 square miles (41 kmē) of the city were destroyed in the fire storm.
And the bombing of Dresden in Germany: Civilian death estimates vary wildly largely as a result of propaganda figures which received widespread publicity at the time, however the most recently available evidence from Friedrich Reichart of Dresden City Museum points to 25,000 deaths, which is less than the number that died in Hamburg, but Dresden was a smaller city.
War is Hell and people die, the biggest problem with the stupid Civilian Politicians today is that they commit Military Men and Women to harms way and expect them to carry out the mission with no civilian casualties and when there are, they want to prosecute them. B.S., total B.S.
If we want to commit our Troops to War then lets set out to win, win like we won in WWI and WWII. Bomb the country into submission, morally devastate the population and destroy their willingness to fight. If we had levelled Fallujah instead of sending in Marines house to house, we wouldn't have lost as many Marines and the Towel Heads would have thought twice about celebrating in the streets!
Wake up America! This is War and people die in War, both Combatants and Non-Combatants! If you don't have the balls or the stomach for it, then don't commit our Fighting Men and Women to Harms Way.

Just my thoughts!

08-04-06, 09:04 AM
Semper Fi Gunny, Right on level Iraq and Lebanon and all the problems will stop!