View Full Version : Lebanon Is Not Innocent

07-24-06, 09:51 AM
Lebanon Is Not Innocent <br />
By David Horowitz <br />
FrontPageMagazine.com | July 24, 2006 <br />
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In war innocents pay a heavy price. There is no way to fight a war without &quot;collateral damage&quot; to civilians...

03-12-07, 07:39 AM
Thank You. Not Enough Is Ever Put On This Issue

03-13-07, 12:57 PM
For what it's worth, I was directed to this site by a family friend in the corps who recently returned from the middle east (Anwar province).

Articles such as this one always puzzle me. A lot of important history is left out, most of which can be simply gleaned by visiting wikipedia-

There's some other interesting reading here on the Maronites (historically significant ethnic group) in Lebanon-

The real issue is Syria and Israel constantly meddling for their own benefit, not the emphasis by Mr. Horowitz (who's Jewish, might I add) that Lebanon is not 'innocent'. One might ask a basic question- Who has more power in that country, the poor Shiites or by comparison relatively rich Christian minority doing Israel's bidding(?) Of course Hezbollah is going to be receiving support from such poor people if they make even the slightest effort to provide desperately needed social services which the 'coalition' government has rarely (if ever) provided in an efficient manner.


Thank You. Not Enough Is Ever Put On This Issue