View Full Version : The Ten Commandments of Ordnancemen

12-21-02, 03:28 AM
1.Take care that thou useth the proper checklist in its entirety lest thou and thine comrades perform mass self-destruction in the rearming area.

2.Beware the ignored stray voltage check for it will smite thine brethren down with a multitude of fiery arrows – for the arm-dearm area will be the doorstep of hell when the checklist is not adhered to nor supervision complete.

3.Goeth and inspect all breeches clear and stores pinned thyself, lest after an emergency jettison check thou findest a friend impressed with the weight of a full drop tank upon his members.

4.Tarry not when thou leavest the SATS loader unattended to operate the boom, for the demons will surely engage the green chariot forward to maim and slay the great bird and thyself.

5.Take care when thou useth the low-voltage meter for continuity checks and not the measure of a high-voltage circuit lest thou incinerate both thyself and thy meter.

6.Take care when thou mixeth napalm or smoke balls for these salves on the unprotected face and body only transformeth an unsafe ordnanceman into an ugly one.

7.Service not the aircraft in the arming area with the pilots hands in the cockpit for surely thy fellow workers will buy beers for thy widow and comfort her in other ways.

8.Carry not more than one fuze in hand for verily thou will incurreth the wrath of thy NCOIC and OIC and bringeth the fury of thy safety NCO upon thy head and shoulders.

9.Be wary of all men when the aircraft is loaded, for some would unwittingly apply external power and re-check that preflight gripe, tearing asunder all their body parts.

10.Above all never bypass safety to meet thy commitment; for verily I say unto you, the rush-rush attitude will cost thy command avoidable mishaps and the loss of thy life and the lives of others.

Submitted by MSgt. Dave Lewis, 2nd Marine Air Wing. He found it going through some old paperwork, and, although somewhat dated, the message still applies.

Here's another one for those of you who need specifics... Never test a CAD with a hammer. (Yeah, it's been done).