View Full Version : Chesty Puller

06-05-06, 01:07 PM
Another Member brought up, "Is Chesty just another Marine - or was there something different or special about him?"

Here's an outstanding web page listing all five of his Navy Cross Citations (http://www.semperfidelisnoah.com/TheFewTheProud.htm). From his actions in Nicaragua to Guadacanal to the Chosin.

Every Marine is a Warrior. And every Marine does his job. When you read the latest news articles of Marines and their battle awards, every one of them say, "I was just doing my job."

Chesty Puller did his job for 37 years (http://hqinet001.hqmc.usmc.mil/HD/Historical/Whos_Who/Puller_LB.htm) and became a legend. Every night thousands of recruits say good night to him with hopes that they can be the kind of Marine that Chesty would be proud to lead. Even now I know I get a stirring in my heart when someone just mentions his name.

06-05-06, 01:58 PM
Does one even have to ask a question like that or this?

"Is Chesty just another Marine - or was there something different or special about him?"

If you don't know that answer to that question.
I'm sure many Marines will give you an answer.
Do we note any Marine because of his awards or medals?
Those only denote a Marine's military service or awards for valor.
To me they represent a Marine's character and "Chesty" character was beyond reproach.
Several of those five Navy Crosses could very easily been a Medal of Honor.
So was "Chesty" just another Marine?
No, there was something special and we benefited by his service as a United States Marine...

06-05-06, 04:03 PM
Of course it was a rhetorical question. But it gives rise to the daily situation that our Brothers in harms way face every day. On a daily basis America gives us the toughest jobs.

That's what we do. We can't imgaine a life doing anything softer.