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02-28-06, 09:48 AM
Do You Want Your Kids to be Happy?
February 28th, 2006
Linda Gosselin

Last week the Pew Research Center released a poll indicating that Republicans are happier people than Democrats. I have often observed this phenomenon, so it was of particular interest to me. If you are thinking it’s because we currently occupy the White House, you would be wrong. The Center states Republicans have been the happiest people, even when a Democrat is in the White House.

Could it be that we conservatives have a more positive world view? How about a more positive national view? A more positive view of religion? A more positive view of our careers? A more positive view of the future? Well, you get the idea.

Let’s compare. It would be difficult to consider yourself happy if you are convinced that your country consists of imperialist occupiers trying to take over the world. On the other hand, if you realize the true road to freedom happens when democracies lead to thriving societies, you’re feeling pretty good right now.

And how about the liberals’ view of our military? Torturers, mistreating not only prisoners of war, but women and children too. Wow! With this outlook it would definitely be time for some Prozac when the evening news starts. Conservatives believe our military exercises incredible restraint and consists of the best and the brightest we have to offer. We are eternally grateful to those who serve and we would never cavalierly try to tarnish their reputation. Starting to get the picture?

Let’s think about the environment. Liberals believe all the doom and gloom scenarios. We have ruined the earth, and by “we” of course I mean the United States of America. We rape and pillage mother earth, with technology and fossil fuel as our weapons. We pollute the water and the air to such an extent it’s amazing we have survived this long. It’s just a matter of time before the earth is uninhabitable.

By now, if you are a liberal you are really depressed. It must be hard to get out of bed in the morning.

Perhaps that would account for the fact that more conservatives actually have a job. I know you libs will be shocked by this, but most of us enjoy going to it! Taking responsibility for yourself brings satisfaction.

In reality, the U.S. has taken responsibility for cleaning up the environment. We have become a model for the world to learn from and have some of the best air and water quality of any industrialized nation on the planet. Have you seen any demonstrations lately against the world’s worst pollution offenders like China, India, and our friends to the south, Mexico? Oh sorry, I forgot it’s not politically correct to criticize any nation that doesn’t consist of a majority of white Christians. Got white Christians? Fair game, go ahead take your best shot. Slur away… absolutely nothing is off limits.

Finally, let’s talk about self esteem, politically speaking, of course. Not too long ago, the left thought self-esteem could be handed out like Ritalin to schoolkids.

Republicans, in general, are proud of who they are and what they believe in. They are not afraid to say they believe in God, and they don’t have a problem letting people know that they believe abortion (all to often used as a convenient form of birth control) is just wrong. They don’t try to conceal or sugar coat their ideals or their party’s platform with euphemisms like “choice.”

The Democrats on the other hand have a difficult time even defining their party’s platform. They will, however, fight to the end to make sure the perverts who commit the most horrific crimes imaginable don’t get put to death. Capital punishment, after all, is barbaric. But when it comes to the most innocent of all, the unborn fetus, well that must be a choice in a civilized society.

From my perspective, we have a choice each morning we’re lucky enough to open our eyes. We can look at our lives and society in a positive manner and work towards making a better world for our children… or we can endlessly dwell on every negative aspect of life we have ever witnessed.

Hmm. I know which one will make me a happier person. How about you?

Linda Gosselin writes from South Hamilton, Massachusetts.
