View Full Version : Happy Birthday SgtOfMarines

02-03-06, 07:28 AM
Happy Birthday, Ross
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!!!
May all your wishes come true.
May these candles burn brightly.
Throughout your life.
All the joy you give to others.
Return right back at you.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!


02-03-06, 07:41 AM
Yes indeed, it's birthday time for SgtOfMarines, who has Logged in with 152 posts..or some figure like that. Where ever you are, whatever you may be involved with, either on our shore or elsewhere, have the happiest of birthdays. Still waiting to lift a brewski or two with you when you are down South Florida way.
Adios. Hope that the family is doing well.

Arlene Horton
02-03-06, 09:22 PM
Happy Birthday, and many more of them, each one better than the last one!