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01-02-06, 01:53 PM
The Chink in our Armor
The Sierra Times

While we haggle about the situation in Iraq, about when and if our soldiers and Marines are coming home, about whether or not the death and destruction we caused over there was worth it, about how Iraq can ever have a government that’s not at war with itself, and how long it will be before we dump on Iran, another enemy of ours, much larger, more powerful, and much more sinister is taking our measure and planning our demise.

At present we’re so occupied with the Shiites, the Sunnis, and the Kurds that what’s going on in the Far East doesn’t even rate a comment at lunchtime. But it should. Because in the not too distant future we will come to realize where our attention, which has been riveted on Iraq, should have been focused instead on an infinitely more deadly enemy. One that is waiting patiently in the wings for the right time to move on us. And when that time comes this so-called “war on terrorism” will seem like a skirmish with water pistols.

China. That’s the opponent waiting behind the curtain; the enemy we don’t realize we have; the adversary in the shadows; the dark horse of death with the Devil himself in the saddle.

Think not? Still believe our destiny is tied up in the Middle East? Still have your eyes on Iran or Syria? Still consider North Korea the one to watch. Keep watching, and while you’re eyes are fixed somewhere else the yellow horde is waiting for the signal.

In a secure briefing to his military leaders, Chi Haotian, China’s Minister of Defense, gave a blunt, chilling speech about China’s need for “more living space”, and he outlined in detail how they would get it. The speech, not intended for publication, was obtained by the Hal Turner Radio Show via covert means through Shanghai.

I know, I know, Hal Turner is a highly controversial radio host that speaks his mind, holds nothing back, and is called every name in the politically-incorrect playbook. But, that is how he manages to get information that other journalists would kill for. This includes the verbatim Chi Haotian speech. And although too long to give in its entirety, I submit to you the highlights and specific points made in this frightening and awesome speech.

Chi begins by emphasizing that China’s development is not limited to the land they now have, but includes the whole world. Once the center of civilization, but surpassed by Western influence, China is destined to once again (in the 21st century) become the center of leadership of the world, according to Chi.

“The reason that the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. If it did, the enemy would have already reached Washington before its Congress finished debating and authorized the president to declare war. Our Party’s leadership, on the other hand, is prompt in making decisions. Once made, it is immediately implemented. This is our advantage.”

The three lessons China learned from Germany were (1) grasp the country’s living space, (2) grasp the Party’s control over the nation, and (3) grasp the direction toward becoming “lord of the earth” -- living space is the key.

With more than 1.3 billion people -- the world’s largest population -- China has reached its limit. Their focus is on more land. Western countries established colonies around the world. China feels it must do likewise. Only countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia have the vast land to serve China’s “more living space” needs. Publicly, China will emphasize economic development, but in reality, this development has WAR as its center.

China’s economic expansion will come with a significant development in its military forces -- the sleeping lion that is China is awakening! “Even though China and the United States rely on each other,” Chi opines, “we must remember that one mountain does not allow two tigers to live together.

“We also must never reveal our ambitions. The hidden message is: we must put up with America; we must conceal our ultimate goals, hide our capabilities and await the opportunity. Thus, we will talk loudly about the ‘Taiwan issue’ but not the ‘American issue.’ We all know the principle of ‘doing one thing under the cover of another.’”

And how does China plan to accomplish the takeover of America? Conventional weapons won’t do, nor will nuclear weapons. “We are not foolish enough,” Chi says, “to want to perish with America by using nuclear weapons. Only with non-destructive weapons that kill many people will we be able to have America for ourselves.”

China has developed biological weapons and has mastered them. This makes them capable of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden, in Chi’s estimation. If a bio attack fails and triggers a retaliatory strike from the United States, half of China’s population will perish. This is why China already has ready an air defense system for their biggest cities. But even if half of China’s population dies, Chi makes it shockingly clear that people can be replaced, but if the Party falls, everything is gone forever.

“If we can resolve the United States ‘problem’ with one blow,” says Chi, “China’s domestic problems (living space) will be solved. Therefore, our battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan, but in fact is aimed at the United States. Marx pointed out that “violence is the midwife for the birth of the new society. Therefore, war is the midwife for the birth of China’s century.”

Informed sources estimate that China’s attack on the United States can be expected within five to 10 years.

So maybe we should stop playing sand dune roulette in the Middles East and think long and hard about the Far East, and the serious chink in our armor.


01-02-06, 03:15 PM
I couldn't agree more on this statement Drifter! China surely has enough manpower to "waste a few" for the Good of the their Cause if they deem it necessary. I truly believe this is why Ronald Reagan pushed the "Star Wars" program so hard during his administration. Russia may have been the initial target, but I'm sure he realized that China has always lurked in the shadows, watching and waiting - just sitting back smiling as the USA spreads out its resources all over the world. The only problem China has - is the Defense and Military might of the USA at present. Paul Newman (he was part of our Defense Council at one time)summed it up years ago - when asked about our actual Military Weaponry - he just would say - "You have no idea or can even fathom what the USA has in its arsenal"! I guess thats why we have the satellites and Trident Subs that patrol above and below the surface of the earth, and NORAD and the Area 51's? "The best Offense is a good Defense" so they say - I guess thats why our Defense Budget is so costly. Pay now or we may pay later - big time!! But, lets not get caught napping during the football game!!
Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer so they say. Right now as in the past, China needs the USA - give us your economy, so we can put "our" people to work, give us your scrap steel - so we can "flood your markets" and steal a little more of your economy, while all the time - China is getting stronger! Once they develop a good infrastructure and can move supplies thruout their country, like the USA does, they will grow so fast it will make your head swim! Even now, they are investing hugh amounts of money into our stock markets - anything to make them grow stronger, day by day.
For them to gain more land - what better prize but the good ol' USA!! Once they got a foothold here whats to stop them from taking over the "rest" of the world - and who could stop them but the US Military? Maybe its in the works as we speak! Hope not though!!
Thats why it is so important to keep developing our Military and especially our Marine Corps - who can handle a multitude of war situations - on land, sea and air. Prepare for War so we won't have to go to War!!
Semper Fi!!

01-02-06, 04:24 PM
AMEN... it's about time someone actually started to address this issue.. much like most things.. there is no doubt in my mind that once again America will be caught with its pants down and asleep at the switch just like we did with WW2, and Korea, and 9/11, .. but this war will make those wars look like a girl scout meeting.. and any person who is only paying half attention can see this coming down the pipe at us.. but I disagree with the idea of China making N. America, and Australia its new colonies.. logic would dictate they are going to head north into the richest oil and mineral fields in the world.. Central Russia, China could never get the mobility needed to move enough equipment and forces around the planet within 5 years to even maintain any type of Army(s) under combat conditions in N. America, even currently it is debatable they have enough lift power to even take Taiwan, they sure have the manpower, but non-mobil manpower is nothing more than targets for Arclight missions.. they are heading north, everything China needs and wants is sitting just across the line in Russia, being defended by a straw dog, and it's master too, is fast asleep.

01-03-06, 12:15 PM
I guess it can be debated til we turn twenty shades of blue on "when" our next ememy will surface & strike us. Right now, there are so many options for our enemies - from the pin pricks to nuclear confrontation, its hard to know where to turn - you can't watch everywhere. You concentrate on the ones that can do the most harm first - then continue down the list!! How and when China will make a move - well, who knows at this point. As you have pointed out, beware of the handshake while the other weilds the dagger!
China has had centuries to learn and watch while other countries beat their brains out against one another - they have given the USA and alot of other countries a "false sense of security" while picking our pockets at the same time. They know which buttons to push and how far they can go and still maintain relationships with the US and other foreign governments.
With Britian and Canada and Australia, our closest allies having their citizenry give up their arms - I bet their enemies are just sitting back smiling as we speak!! Better not let it happen here though!!
I do believe that if we do face off with China - I hope that they will not get a foothold within major cities (Russia is big, but most of it is uninhabited!!) - then we will have a problem. It then turns into a streetfight vs out in the open warfare where you can use strategic weapons to wipe out many at one time!! US policy in the past is protect the innocent as much as possible. I really don't think that China would play by those rules. To them, the Geneva Convention is thought as going to a womens tea party!!
I think Russia will remain our ally as long as it believes that the USA will come to their aid if called to do so. And, if Russia would open up its resource ban to the USA that would probably seal our relationship for a long time - "you scratch my back theory"!! Whether the Kremlin's hardliners would go for that remains to be seen - I guess only the future can answer that. Meanwhile - we just play the "chess game" and hope it doesn't turn into "Russian Roulette"!!

01-03-06, 10:25 PM
I don't think China would risk a nuclear exchange.

If 500 million do survive, they still would be in the Stone Age. 2/3rds of them would soon perish.

Could they still project power over North America with no assets and only one sixth of their original population?

01-03-06, 11:13 PM
I'm thinkin they'll go chemical or biological to clear space.