View Full Version : Cut and Run: a Nightmare Stillborn Today

12-15-05, 03:30 PM
Cut and Run: a Nightmare Stillborn Today

Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry and Dean,

That’s a quartet to set the scene

For American troops to cut and run

Before peace in Iraq has barely begun.

Show them democracy

Then snatch it away

Who cares how many Iraqis

Will have to pay

With their lives and worse

As they return to the curse

Of their land in the grip of Saddam Hussein,

Harry Reid and his like shouting “Long may he reign!”.

We’ve done it before

We can do it once more.

Hold out freedom and then

Pull it back in again.

To those of our heroes who fell in the fight

To bring Mid-Eastern people into the light,

Let our tears soak your graves like falling rain.

You gave up your lives. It was all in vain.

But be reassured that our defeat

Will empower the liberal blue state elite.

And send to lead us as was foreseen

Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry and Dean.

Mimi Winship 12 15 05
