View Full Version : A Word About Senator Kerrey

11-09-02, 05:16 PM
By: Major General J. J. Johnson, USMC (Ret)

If by chance you younger folks are thinking of joining the military, and maybe scratching your head over hearing some yellow-bellied former Senator whine over what happened in Vietnam, please don't let it confuse you. You see, it was war back then. And when you're in the military and at war, there is no such thing as innocence. It's called kill or be killed. Some of you may think you put on a uniform just to go to college, run for office, or impress your girlfriends while sinking Japanese fishing boats, but it's not. It gets real ugly.

Problem is, in the days of political correctness, revelations about simply doing your job as a Navy SEAL can get you in political hot water. If you listen to the news-speak of the day, war is a neat and clean operation, where we only kill the bad guys who shoot at us (first.....if we can't bring them to trial. Please, if you're enlisting soon, this is NOT the way we fight and win wars.)

What that worthless chump Kerrey is all choked up about is EXACTLY how we (the taxpayers) want you to perform if you ever find yourself in the same dilemma. If and when you want to blame someone for your lethal actions during war, so long as you followed orders, and did what you thought was best to achieve the objective, just blame the politicians who sent you there. Heck.....for that matter, go ahead and blame us. And if down the road you or your buddies do something like this, we as Americans frankly don't want to hear about it. Just kill the enemy (without mercy), win the war, don't bring any weird diseases back home, and don't leave any orphans over there. This is the real definition of "don't ask, don't tell." We'll add one more: Don't miss. To put it bluntly, young folks of America.....THIS AIN'T A DAMN NINTENDO GAME!

God help us if we have to go into a serious war and these damn politicians have to send you there with weapons you don't know how to use, and better not even LOOK at while you're here (unless you're over 21, go through local, state, and federal background checks, fingerprinting, etc. Your only hope is that if you're white, these stupid idiots in Washington will probably get women and minorities killed first as part of some stupid military affirmative action program (don't let that happen either). We beg you, if we have to send you to war, please.....PLEASE forget the crap you were taught in school. You get reminded each day about the horrors of Columbine? That's what war is. That's what you will need to do to the enemy.....not your classmates. We don't care how you feel about it. We don't care if "that's not what you joined the military for." And I don't care if I've painted a sick picture in your head. That's your job. You don't have to like it. But if you do, there will be a pat on the back waiting for you when you get back as well.

As much as you hear us preach that "violence never solves anything," it's just a bunch of B.S., so you won't haul off and shoot us grown-ups before our time. Trust us when we say: "Violence has solved every war we've waged so far." You see, as much as we claim to be a peaceful, civilized bunch, we have proven repeatedly that we are the most lethal S.O.B.'s on the face of the earth. You think greasing a Vietnamese village is bad? Some of you new recruits may be too young to remember a highway between Kuwait and Baghdad. THAT was a work of art. B-52's doing target practice on thousands of folks trapped on a turnpike trying to escape a fake invasion. It was too cool.

Think we were horrified? We ordered pizzas while watching it on CNN. This is not to take away from places like Dresden, Germany, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That was different. We were really ****ed back in those days. In fact, anyone ever tell you some of the horror stories on how we took this country, or the last time we unleashed our type of hell on this soil" Some other time perhaps.

Back to the matter at hand. Look, we really don't like going to war unless the economy really sucks or someone attacks us; at least that's the way it used to be (ah.....the good ol' days). But we've learned at least one and a half times that letting politicians dictate the rules of war only will get our butts handed to us on platters. It may not be the policy of Washington these days, but it is the policy of the Real American that any country that wants to pick a fight with us knows they will see a vast reduction of their population and infrastructure. We hand out medals for that kind of stuff.

So when you see tear-jerking sub captains, ex-Navy SEALS expressing sorrow, dope-smoking draft dodgers, and women who insist on getting combat pay during peacetime, then getting pregnant to avoid battle (followed by demanding the Pentagon pay for the abortion), rest easy with the fact that

this is only a small fraction of military reality, and these types will die off or just fade away as time goes on. Then, we can get back to the glory days of uncensored ruthlessness, indescribable death and destruction, winner take all, and when you're done.....smoke 'em if ya got 'em.

Now run along, and don't be late for school...



11-09-02, 09:37 PM
doesnt sound like anything a general would write, where did ya get this drivel from?

11-10-02, 05:45 AM
Yellow- bellied??? The man has a Medal of Honor.