View Full Version : The war at home

10-26-05, 07:53 AM
Long time war are over - we comming home.

Home ?

A criminal person killing my wife and my 2 children. I am alone. 11 years i survive in germany. Not good time here, no friends, no job, no friendly government office. What can i do ... in my home ?

I create a group for soldiers, vets and friends - the us veteransclub europe.

THAT`s is the ghost of : semper fi !

10-26-05, 09:33 AM
.... rem.: the german homepage from usve is:


Joseph P Carey
10-26-05, 10:30 AM
Ray 'Doc',

I know there is a language problem here, but tell us a little about you. Even in your writing, you don't seem to be a German, and you surly are not an American. The killing of your family sounds more of a hate crime that others of a Nationalist Society commit against foreigners than they do to their own people. The crime sounds like it was filled with hate. I am sorry for your lose of your family, if it is so, but I am more curious about why do you write to us? And, how it is you came to write to us?

10-26-05, 11:06 AM
sorry soldiers, my english was not so perfekt ...

Yes i born in germany but long time in my live i was in war. When i come back to germany ... it`s here a war after the war !

I survived, day by day BUT i can help other soldiers and i do it.

3 years i must sleep outdoor, no home, no one say, here you home. i have a good job and good money but one (criminal) judge say, we money is not me. I survive a war after the war - no home, no money, my wife and chirdren die ... and a lot of other soldiers are into this war ! But who is help ? - no one ! Better times i study 6 years medical - psychlogie. Thats good - i can help "better".


A lot of soldiers have problems in this (or other) country. Look jessy lynch (pow in irak an a lot of cold war aspects...). Look lynndie england.


My veteransclub have 85000 soldiers and vets and friends in sector europe. Soldiers from usa, from russia, asia and a lot of country more.

In last year we have 3 vets who die "on street". But here famaly say, no, we not help, it`s a ex soldiers and it is bad ..........


Now i am here an i can say: you are in europe, you wanted help - ok we come. Whats good .

...sorry for my bad english ...


10-26-05, 01:06 PM
And I see I'm not the first to wonder about it.

Your Profile is confusing, says you were born AFTER you served in 'war', the phrase you use.

What war, where, when.

Also, you use an Officers ensignia in your profile. I think even a foreign Officer would have a better grasp of certian protocols, higher education level.

You use OUR Motto, "SEMPER FIDELIS" somewhat freely.
I take some degree of personal offense to that, lest you can provide proof of your service in OUR United States Marine Corps.
Arrogant... maybe, but there is a pridfull arrogance that goes with wearing the Eagle Globe and Anchor of our Corps.

Please provide us with a little better insite into your being here.
Be advised, that you ARE welcome, at this time. And this service your web sight claims sounds well intended. I think we are just looking for a little 'truth in advertising', as it were.

10-26-05, 04:05 PM
WTF ....what the hell is this guy babbling about ?

Ed Palmer
10-26-05, 04:07 PM
From what I have found today its like a 3 dollar bill

10-26-05, 09:14 PM
I am going to bet Slavic by some of the grammatical construction, looks a lot more like Slavic to English rather than German to English.. this is a website for a vetgroup with 85,000 members? and its on a free server? with some of the grapics still tagged from the Libary they were pulled from? this wesite took what a hour to set up? with no physical address, just a phone number, a free email account address, and yet 85,000 members? yea ok..

10-26-05, 09:20 PM
I think someone is p*ssing on my boots and telling me that it's a rain storm. Take a hike ray"doc"!

10-29-05, 11:56 AM
Ich wurde 1966 in der BRD geboren, bin hier aufgewachsen, ging zur Schule machte meine Ausbildung. Während der Ausbildung hatte ich einen guten Freund der aus Viet Nam 65-75 rückkehrte. Es ging im sehr schlecht. In den USA hatte er Familie doch seine Frau hatte ihn verlassen. Er war alleine in Viet Nam.

Auf der Strasse war es wo er sich tötete. Ich habe es nicht verstanden doch heute weis ich wie viel Leid er zu ertragen hatte - es war nicht der Krieg es war der Krieg zu Hause.

Ich war so wütend das ich meine Sachen packte und nach Asien ging und mitten in den Bürgerkrieg kam. Dort heiratete ich, kämpfte Jahre gegen Pol Pot. Ich erlebte sehr harte Kämpfe, Kriegsgefangenschaft.

1994 kehrte ich mit 2 noch lebenden Kämpfer, meiner Frau und meinen Kindern in di BRD zurück. Kurze Zeit später wurde meine Frau und meine Kinder ermordet. Ich stand vor dem nichts ! Neben schwerer PTBS hinzu noch der Verlust meiner Frau, meiner Kinder.

Mit meinen Frunden gründeten wir dn USVE.

Die misten der Leute die wir haben nennen sich Dreckfresser; oft von der Familie verlassen, kein zu Hause, keine Arbeit, oft so schlimm beleidigt.

In Jugoslawien waren einige von uns freiwillig - wir waren die ersten die Konzentrationslager fanden, wir fanden Massengräber, wir halfen Menschen aus dem Krieg zu kommen; wir jagen (bis heute !) Kriegsverbrecher.

Oder ich denke da z.B. an das Schicksal von Jessy Lynch.

Oder ich denke an das Schicksal von Lynndie England. Es ist sicher das Lynndie Fehler getan hat doch ist Lynndie dafür nur noch Dreck ?


Bis heute haben wir ein sehr großes Feld wo wir helfen. Oft aber ist es das zu hause, da wo andere Heimat suchen und nichts, gar nichts haben. Oft sind viele so schrecklich alleine, ohne Wohnung, ohne Familie, ohne die Möglichkeit Internet zu nutzen. Oft sind die Leute von uns so schlimm dran das man echt sagen kann, es ist der Krieg zu hause.

Gerne auch Unterstützen wir Kämpfer wie Werner Mauss (www.werner-mauss.de).

Und: gerne gehe ich vor ort, ohne Bezahlung, Sold usw. So sah ich Jugoslawien, wurde in Abwesenheit zum Tode verurteilt wegen meinem Wirken gegen z.B. Gen. Mladic. Oder wenn es um Kinderschänder geht; hier sind wir sehr aktiv das diese Verbrecher vor Gericht kommen und wir kümmern uns um die Opfer, um Hinterbliebene die es echt sehr schwer haben.


Mit den Jahren bauten wir uns so auf das wir einen eigenen gewerblich zugelassenen Sektor haben; wir können Jobs anbieten, vermitteln, haben echte Fachleute z.B. in Sachen PTBS was in der BRD (leider) selten ist. Wir gehen auch mit zu Behörden, vertreten bei Gericht --- alles kostenlos !

... nun ja ich hoffe der kleine Einblick genügt erst mal.

10-29-05, 07:11 PM
I better slam down a Heinekin before I start trying to translate that. :D

10-29-05, 11:45 PM
Ray.. there is no doubt in my mind you are NOT the head of any Vetorg that has 85,000 members or even 5 members, and mrbsox asked you nice to quit using Semper Fi here.. you have not earned that right.. I will second what he asked.. and another clue for you, most of us dont support or even like Jessica Lynch..

I think your a lot closer what what Americans call a fraud.. I looked into your website.. I know what it is.. and I also know what it IS NOT. Did you serve in the German Army in all of the wars you have been to? or was you doing some Merc work?

There is NO ghost of Semper Fi, its alive and well.. everyone here is proof of that, and always will be as long as there is at least ONE Marine alive.. you have no idea what it even means beyond the words.. you insult us when you use it, so quit using it.

Phantom Blooper
10-30-05, 05:34 AM
As far as what this man says I have no thoughts because every bit is German to me. I do beg to differ on the use of the words "Semper-Fi" or "Semper Fidelis."

Semper Fidelis as we know is Latin for Always Faithful the Marine motto for such a long time. If any one does not want one to use Semper-Fi! as a token of the United States Marines accomplishment and grand history and status here at home and in this world,then we need to change the Latin dictionary and rewrite it to say that no parent,poolee,child,or business has the right to print tee shirts or bumper stickers with these words on it. Semper-Fi! is not written on any Marine Corps property with the letters TM underneath or beside it.

However,on the other hand if one is a poser and using this word to claim the title "Marine" and never has earned the title then I say run him or her up and disk them. But to tell them they can't say or write Semper-Fi! or Semper Fidelis is ludicrous. Tell a poolee you can sign on this dotted line and go to all the functions and take this key chain,pen,bumper sticker and poster and get motivated and tell your friends and family but don't utter these words or use these items until you claim the title of Marine. The Marines are having recruiting problems now,how long would this last?

If one has "Semper-Fi!" in their heart and soul and is not disrepectful then what is the problem for any supporter to use the words, Semper Fidelis?

Semper Fidelis= "Always Faithful" to God,Country and Corps whatever your role or translation."Never Forget" Chuck Hall

11-01-05, 01:10 PM
...viele Jungs und Mädels sagten mir:

suche nicht in anderen Gruppen denn du wirst enttäuscht werden.


Einmal am Rande gesagt:

sehr hochrangige Leute (darunter auch Präsidenten, Senatoren, Kanzler, Minister und viele mehr) wissen von unserer "Arbeit" und schreiben sogar das sie es gut finden. Anerkennung in ganz oberen Kreisen (weltweit !)

Beispiele die man nicht leugnen kann:

wie jedes Jahr zum Winter suchen wir wieder Decken. Es ist draußen mehr und mehr kalt. Da draußen leben Leute ! Kein zu Hause weil die Gesellschaft diese Leute auf die Strasse brachte. leute die auch im Krieg waren. Wo bitte sind Decken ? Jedes Jahr ist es so, jedes Jahr ! Ich glaube die Statistik (die Behörden wie die WHO anfertigen !) sprechen davon das jeder 3. da draußen sterben wird.

Oder wo ist die Nahrung, die sozialen Hilfen ? Ich kenne ein Beispiel wo fast eine ganze Familie eines Vet fast gestorben wäre an Hunger und Kälte, kein Arzt war bereit Hilfe zu geben. Wo bitte waren andere ? (und das ist kein Einzelfall).

Oder was ist mit Lynndie. Ja sie hat sicher Fehler gemacht doch wer macht keine Fehler ? Wer war im Krieg und hat da keine Fehler gemacht ? Ist aber ein fehler ein Grund so mit Lynndie umzugehen, sie so fertig zu machen ? Und egal wie, Lynndie wird diesen Krieg überleben und bei uns auch ein "zu Hause" finden. ... und was der Fall angeht, Lynndie mag Schuld haben aber da gibt es noch eine Frau, mit Rang eines General die ebenso Mitschuld hat. Fragt doch mal diese Frau General oder ...ist der Fisch zu dick, Angst oder besser Feigheit ? Lynndie ist ja ein einfaches Ziel ....

Oder die Kriegsverbrecher in Jugoslawien. In zusammenarbeit mit dem dortiges Geheimdienst konnten wir Kriegsverbrecher aufspüren was Frau Del Ponte (!) persönlich gemeldet wurde. Sie gab Anweisung die Verbrecher zu stellen. Haha - keiner der dortigen "Helden" rückte aus. Die Kriegsverbrecher eben heute noch dort (wie z.B. general Mladic oder Hr. Karacetsch der sogar Kinderbücher schreibt )

Oder in Jugoslawien. Hier waren viele von uns freiwillig, haben serbischen Truppen viel "feuer" gegeben als ein Jet dirt abstürzte und man eine Woche brauchte um den Soldaten aus der Hölle raus zu holen.

Oder wenn irgend wo mal wieder ein US Bürger als geißel genommen wird und keine Truppen mal einfach einrücken dürfen. Wer ist dann da ? Freunde wie Hr. Werner Mauss die sind da oder auch Leute von uns.

Oder wie wäre es mit dem Fall Doutraux, ein Kinderschänder der auch durch unsere Beiträge rechtskräftig (!) verurteilt wurde. Und was ist mit den Opfern die überlebt haben ? Ziemlich alleine waren alle, alleine durch diese Art Krieg.

Obschon fast alle von uns den Krieg längst hinter sich haben bekommen wir immer und immer ein Krieg gemacht - besonders zu Hause. .... und manchmal von den eigenen Leuten.


Jetzt habe ich einige Beispiele aufgeschrieben mit unter sogar "Zeugen" wie Präsidenten, Senatoren, Minister, überlebende Opfer, Organisationen wie die WHO - also alles doch recht mächtige Leute.

Hochachtungsvoll - das können wir geben weil wir keinen Wert auf ganz tole Zahlen auf Web Seiten legen sondern weil wir den Jungs und Mädels da draußen um die sich keiner kümmert ein Stück Hochachtung zurück geben und da draußen (über)leben eine ganze Menge Leute mehr - wir erreichen nur sehr wenige leider !!! ... und viel schlimmer, man wird selbst aus eigenen Reihen angegriffen.

11-01-05, 02:07 PM
uhhhhhh how do I respond to this ?

Ed Palmer
11-01-05, 03:03 PM
Just tell this shix bird to go flock his self

11-01-05, 04:19 PM
ray "doc"...get your facts straight. i just read your profile. let's see born 1996?...served in war in asia 1984-1994(?), member of VC (Viet Cong), SOG (Studies and Observation Group) and Delta (?).

To coin a phrase "El Toro POOPOO!!!

Death smiles at everyone,
Marines smile back.

USMC 1970-1981

11-02-05, 06:11 AM
Mein Alter ist 39 Jahre und wenn ich auch Fehler habe und statt 1966 die Zahl 1996 tippte ist das nur menschlich.


Ganz toll finde ich das man scheinbar nicht wissen kann (oder will) das auch nach 1975 Kriege in Asien stattgefunden haben in welchen auch Verbände des VC vertreten waren.

vgl. Lexikon


Was sehr abenteuerlich ist wäre das man ausgerechnet hier nicht mal weis was die Abkürzung SOG bedeutet und noch fraglicher ist das man nicht mal wissen (will) oder kann was DELTA

students.engr.scu.edu/.../ us/delta/page1.htm



Präsident Bush sagte: (sinngem.)

es wäre besser wenn erfahrene Vet`s , Leute wie wir, in manchen Kriegsgebiete zum Einsatz kommen

- ich verstehe Präsident Bush jetzt noch viel besser !


Ich bitte um Löschung aus euerem Register denn hier ist kein Platz für uns !

Danke sf Ray Doc

Joseph P Carey
11-02-05, 10:27 AM

I understand that you were born in 1966, I was wounded twice that year in combat, and that made you only 9 years old when Saigon Fell to the Communists at the invitation of the US Congress. What I am trying to understand is your earlier statement that you were ten years fighting in Asia; you would not have been 20 years of age until the year 1986. I do not believe that the Germans were at war in Southeast Asia, and, for that matter, were not allowed to have an army committed to a foreign war until very recent history due to conditions imposed on Germany after World War II.

It is understandable why the men on this board have taken what you say 'as a gain of salt’; because, you are not believable in what you do say. We here are United States Marines. We are not the US Army that you may be familiar with; we are an entirely different breed of men and Soldiers.

We are trying to understand you, but so far, we have had nothing that we can believe. It is not your language that we are having difficulty with, because we are used to speaking with Foreigners, it is your thoughts and your time periods we are having difficulty with. Not all Americans are as stupid, or as gullible, as many Europeans seem to think.

11-02-05, 11:50 AM
I have putten some of the phrases that this ray "doc" has typed and alot of it doesnt even make sense. I put it into the research that I have on my computer and nothing makes sense. It sounds alot like a whole lot of BULLZhit!!


11-02-05, 11:50 AM
Okay ray"doc" nice try. Some of these other vets maybe can't translate your German but I can. So you were born in BRD ( East Germany ) and went to school to learn a job. While in school you had a good friend from Viet Nam between 1965-1975 returned to Nam. It went bad from him and he had family in the USA and his wife left him. He was alone in NAM. So what does this have to do with your back ground???? This is your Firend's back ground.
Vets I will translate the rest then comment. Hope this helps you all half as much as I am thinking that it is plain BS.

Your firend died on the streets. Even till today you don't understand he had done to deserve this. It wasn't the War but the War at home.
You were so upset that you packed your stuff and went to Asia and foiund yourself in the middle of a civil war. You got married while you were there and fought for years against " POL POT ". You lived a very hard fight adn ended up in a War Prison.
Then in 1994 you went back to the BRD. A short time later your wife and childern were murdered. You had nothing left. You wanted revenge for the murder of your wife and childern.
Then with a friend you founded the USVE.
Most of the people were homeless ( dirty mouths ), Many from families that left them, no House, no work, often very hopeless.
Alot of your group went freely into Yugoslavia. You found the first Concentration camps, Mass Graves, and you helped people to come out of the war there. Even today you hunt down War criminals.
Or you think about what happened to Jessica Lynch.
Or you think about what has happened to Lynndie England. It is definite that Lynndie made mistakes but is Lynndie Dirt because of it?
Even today we have a very big group that we help. Often it is a way to get home, there were others are looking for a way back to their homeland and then nothing, have absolutley nothing. Often are they very alone with no home, no family, only with the chance of using the internet. Often are the people so very bad off that people can say that it is the War at home.
Happily we support fighters like Werner Mauss (www.werner-mauss.de).
And: Happily I go to the place, no payment, etc. So I also in Yugoslavia, where I was sentenced to death because of my work against Gen. Mladic. Or when it comes to child molesters; This is where we are very active that these criminals are put in front of a court and the ones left behind still have it very hard.
With the years we built a sector where we can work, be the middle man, have real officials for example in Sachen PTBS in BRD. We go out to gather, protest before the courts...all cost free!
... Yeah I hope that the first moments is enough for you

But your years still doin't match up ray"doc" and I think that you are beating around the bush. I won't contest your envolvements with what you said. But it sounds alot deeper than you let on. All this and still really no answer as to whether you were a US Marine or not. I can translate everything you wrote. But I think that this is enough for me to settle on that this is either the biggest line of BS that I ever heard or you are trying to engage us into disruption of the polls and forums. Where is the proof the you should be able to use " Semper Fi" or have an Officer's insignia? You tell us more about your friend and your group people, either make believe or not, but don't show proof that you were a US Marine. Start to make sense ray"doc" and maybe we will liusten to you. If you need a translater all you have to do is ask me and I will forward you an opprotunity to show us something. Or take the low road and bow out while you still have some diginty left. There are mostly Vets, War Vets, in Leatherneck. US Marine Vets. It iusn't nice to try to play games, if that is what this is, with us. We are serious about what we have done and what we do. This is also no place to try to pick up "new" recruits for whatever pruposes you may be trying to hide. All we ask is that you be forward with us.

11-02-05, 12:31 PM
Thanks Sgt.
You beat me to a translator !!



11-02-05, 02:14 PM
Thanks Junker316 for the translation. I had copied ray"doc"'s post and sent it to a friend of mime that is orginally from Germany, and was going to post it, but you beat me to it.

As for ray"doc", all we want is proof that you were or are a U.S. Marine. As has been previously stated, this is a Brotherhood that we share, and we have all proven ourselves by becoming U.S. Marines.

Either put up, or SHUT up!!!

Ed Palmer
11-02-05, 05:55 PM
Ya know I am willing to bet that this is a 12 or 15 year old kid and still wet behind the ears dang near bet his mommy still changes his diapers.

11-03-05, 06:54 AM
Thanks for the inspirations. I have sent ray"doc" a private message in his lang. If he replies, which I really don't think he will, I will see what he has to defend his stature. This idea came from RetGySgt in a message to me. Thanks again RetGySgt. Until he does have something to show us I will no longer reply to anything he says. this has gotten way outta hand and we were nice to him by even handling it the way it was handled. Like Palmer said...he is probably some 12-15 year old kid that thought is would be fun to interupt our forums and polls.

11-03-05, 09:40 AM

Roger that...

11-07-05, 01:13 PM
just to keep every-one informed...I haven't received any information or Emails from ray"doc". I will let you know that I did offer my services as a translater to him and believe I allowed enough time for a responce. As it was said before, and I also think to be fact now, this was either a young child between 12-15 trying to disrupt us or is was some-one searching for recruits or intell for what ever pruposes. It was East Block Lingo, just from the slang that wasbeing used, and they had a very hard time using the English language as we know it. Good riddens to ray"doc".

11-07-05, 01:25 PM

I think that we have nailed this one. They ain't getting anything but name, rank, and serial number. Seriousley, I agree that this is a probe for inforamtion. If he can't answer you by now..


11-07-05, 01:34 PM
Thanks junker316. All I can say is good bye and good riddence!!!!