View Full Version : Thank You Veteran

11-05-02, 06:02 PM
As we near another Veterans' Day, I wonder just what its meaning
is to the ones that did not serve in our military. Veterans Day
is a holiday where the politicians right down to the local
level receive a day off work with pay, along with the people that
work in banks and schools.

A day to relax and have fun. The irony is
I think you will find that a lot of veterans
will have to go to work that day and most other
holidays. I wonder how much of the history behind
this holiday is being taught in our schools today
and if the high school students, especially the ones
that are nearing graduation are aware of the
sacrificices that the veterans made that ensures these students
the rights to make decisions as to what they are going to do with
their lives when they finish school. They can choose whether to get a
job, or go to college, or join the military.

As a Vietnam Veteran, our choices were limited, it was college or
Military and most of us couldn't afford to go to college so we was
drafted or volunteered for the service. And a large majority of us
went to Vietnam. World War II and Korean veterans didn't have any
choice, it was go to war. That is why I am doing this page, so that
all the young people have an understanding of the sacrifices that
was made in the past to give you the freedom to make the choices
you have today. If you appreciate these choices take the time out
this Veterans Day to thank a Vet.

author unknown

11-05-02, 06:19 PM
Thank you for the thought Lisa. Nice to see your still here. We've missed ya.
