View Full Version : The Feminist View of Children

07-10-05, 06:28 PM
Sunday, July 10, 2005
The Feminist View of Children
by Thomas Simon

Ok ladies, here is our three-step approach to children:

First, we have to kill as many unborn babies as possible. We're fast approaching the 50 million mark, and we have your fine work to thank for it. Let's give ourselves a round of applause! Following this session, we'll be having a live partial-birth abortion ceremony for your entertainment pleasure.

Second, for any children that survive the womb, our top priority is to make as many children as possible fatherless. We can accomplish that by portraying men as abusers who just want to control women and avoid paying child support. Make sure you give the phony statistics we cooked up to your media contacts, and don't even mention the real numbers. If anybody challenges your numbers, trot out the usual name-calling of "misogynist"," patriarchal-oppressor", and let us know about it so we can launch a personal attack. If it's a divorced father, always remember to say "he just doesn't want to pay child support", as our focus groups have shown this to be an excellent way to close people's minds. Since this doesn't work so well when the fact-checkers are female, we'll be having a special session later today on how to silence women who aren't afraid to speak out.

Third, for children that survive steps 1 and 2, we have to control how they think. First, we separate the boys and the girls. We have made great inroads in teaching girls to hate boys at younger and younger ages, and our media friends are increasingly willing to portray little boys as abusers and rapists. Thanks to our allies at the NEA, we've got the public schools under out thumb, and we're working with the ACLU on a strategy to indoctrinate or at least silence children from private schools and home-schoolers, and to shut down the Boy Scouts of America. We desperately need to get our VAWA funding renewed though, not only in order to shore up our successes with "choice" and control over family law, but also to buy more politicians for our campaigns targeting teenagers and criminal law.

Oh, and don't forget when you're talking to the media, throw in as many references to "women and children" as possible, as if we represent all women and actually give a damn about children. As long as they continue to buy it, we'll continue to sell it.

Thomas Simon

My bio for feminists: Thomas Simon is a former deadbeat dad and abusive husband, and now works any chance he gets to restore the patriarchy to its former glory and to deprive women of equality because all he really wants is to control women.

My bio for normal people: Thomas Simon is a divorced father who deeply loves his children and is very concerned about what has been done to them and other children in America, primarily through the denial of basic human and Constitutional rights to fathers and children under the guise of family law.
