View Full Version : Planned 9/11 Memorial Hoax

06-16-05, 05:40 AM
Planned 9/11 Memorial Hoax

Capitalizing on the well-founded assumption that the American people have an extremely short memory, the named major tenant of the 9/11 Memorial project (the progressive “International Freedom Center”) plans to virtually eliminate any mention of what actually occurred on September 11, 2001. Instead, as Debra Burlingame of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation reports, the IFC plans to exploit 9/11 by presenting its bash-America-first viewpoint; under the guise of “a journey through the history of freedom”. The IFC has planned its exhibit to include the US’ treatment of Native Americans, slavery and the lynchings of Black Americans by the Ku Klux Klan, the Abu Ghraib prisoner issue, the Nazi Germany Holocaust, the Soviet purges and gulag etc.

As some of the usual suspects are involved, the IFC’s strategy toward eliminating the actual evidence of the massacre that occurred on 9/11 should not come as a surprise. Contributors and planners of this memorial deception include USA-haters George Soros, Tom Bernstein (who heads up the project and recently filed a lawsuit against Donald Rumsfeld in conjunction with the ACLU), radical Columbia University Professor Eric Foner who has stated “the only true heroes are those who find ways to defeat the U.S. military” and Executive Director of the ACLU Anthony Romero. The IFC’s memorial project is nothing more than a Bush-bashing anti-American display…with a couple of other horrific slaughters (perpetrated by other countries) thrown in as a pretense to make it look “fair and balanced”. Strangely and notably missing, however, is any recognition of the brave police and firefighters who gave their lives on 9/11 or the actual perpetrators of the slaughter…the Islamo-fascists. It appears that, in order for the IFC to foment and disseminate its leftist political message, these “unimportant” pieces of information must be deleted.

What can “we the people” do to stop this abomination of a memorial that should and does belong to all of us? Write, email or call NY Governor George E. Pataki, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and your local Congressional representatives. Tell them you will not stand for this outrage. 3,000 people died on 9/11/2001. But, if the IFC builds their planned “memorial”, future generations will never know what actually happened on that day.


06-16-05, 05:53 AM
The display of irrelevant atrocities is reported in depth by DEBRA BURLINGAME in The Great Ground Zero Heist (http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110006791), naming the culprits repsonsible.

Tom Bernstein has abused his position in the IFC to use all that memorial funding to promote his day job as President of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights.

Really shameful.