View Full Version : A Sunday School lesson

05-22-05, 09:30 AM


**************************** A young man
******************** Was at the end of his rope,
************ Seeing no way out, he dropped to his knees
**************************** In prayer

****************** "Lord, I can't go on," he said.
*************** "I have too heavy a cross to bear."

**************************The Lord replied,

***************************"My son,
*******************If you can't bear its weight,
***********************Just place your cross
************************** Inside
************************** This room.

******************* Then, open that other door
******************And pick out any cross you wish."

*************The man was filled with relief and said,
********************"Thank you Lord," and he did
************************* As he was told.

*************************Upon entering the
******************Other room, he saw many crosses;
*************Some so large the tops were not visible.
************************ Then, he spotted a
*************************** tiny cross

****************************** Leaning
************************ Against a far wall.

*************"I'd like that one, Lord," he whispered.
**************************The Lord replied,
**********"My son, that is the cross you just brought in."

************** When life's problems seem overwhelming,
******************************It helps
********************** To look around and see
*************** What other people are coping with.

*********************You may consider yourself
***************Far more fortunate than you imagined.

*************************** YOUR CROSS

************************ Whatever your cross
************************ Whatever your pain
********************There will always be sunshine
************************** After the rain

********************** Perhaps you may stumble
**************************Perhaps even fall
******************** But God's always there
******************* To help you through it all

******************** Funny how you can send
***************** a thousand "jokes" through
*************E-mail and they spread like wildfire,
************** But when you start sending messages
********************** Regarding the Lord,

************ People think twice about passing it on.

***********************Funny, isn't it,
***************When you go to forward this message,
********** How many on your buddy list will not receive it

Thus ends the Sunday School lesson.

Semper Fi
books :marine: