View Full Version : Does it NEVER stop?

01-07-05, 10:50 AM
the stupidity that is. Some jerk of a Senator is upset because some high school band played a few notes of the song Dixie.


as a Senator, doesn't this guy have more impotant things to worry about?

I am SOO sick and tired of thin skinned people crying about everything.

Gonna start me up an orginization that protests the publication of stories being shown on the news, or written about, that upset me. after all, by showing these things, or writing about them, they cause me great mental anguish, and as an American, I shouldn't have to put up with it! LOL

01-07-05, 10:55 AM
Must be a bleeding heart Liberal.. Jacka$$

01-07-05, 11:04 AM
It's just a distraction so we don't notice them spending our tax money on some pork project.

01-07-05, 11:10 AM
Dixie? My black buddy in New Orleans and I discussed this. It was when they were having the vote in Mississippi about the rebel stars and bars being included on the state flag.

His opinion was, "Why would they want to celebrate a time when they were ignorant?"

I was on the St Charles street car going through Lee's Circle. A tourist couple commented on the giant statue of Robert E. Lee. I said to him, "Wasn't he the leader of the failed rebellion that took up arms against these United States?"

They didn't want to hear that kind of talk.

01-07-05, 11:16 AM
well HELL! why would we want to celebrate a time when we were ignorant? let me speak on that. I despise racism, and I have made fun of MANY rebel flag flying people. Hell, one of my best friends is a kid from alabama, who always flew the damn thing.

why would ANYONE want to commemoprate a part of thier past?

Yellowing? as a native amaerican, why would YOU continue to take part in "savage" rituals? why is there a Kwanza? so that they can remember the "primitive cannabil day's" back in africa?

it's called remembering a part of culture.

( and Yellowing, bro, you KNOW I didn't mean that savages part right? I was meerly illistrating a point, and hope I didn't upset you with it.)

01-07-05, 11:22 AM
I know, no worries 'mate.

01-07-05, 11:23 AM
I think Sen. coggs needs to quit living in the past and live for today. If he is that thin-skinned then he needs to find another line of work to do and quit living off us tax-payers. Get a real life will ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-07-05, 11:50 AM
Like many things in history, hte rebel flag is misunderstood, it is as much a part of black culture as it is white. The flag got a bad name during the rebelion. Look at what the swastika, hitler made it a hate symbol, before hitler it was a sigh of peace that the monks had on temples.

01-07-05, 11:54 AM
Jag? the swastika is ALSO a broken cross, a very ANTI religious symbol, from BEFORE the Nazis. just depends on what culture you look at. symbols repeat themselves everywhere, usually never with the same meaning.

heck, the "peace" symbol itself got its start as an upside down broken cross, among anti christian groups.

Sgt. Smitty
01-07-05, 11:56 AM
Now you know where the Politicians concentrate their attention while gettin a fat paycheck. They put trivial stuff ahead of the real problems affecting this country like immigration and illegals in this country. I can still take on out a 1,000 yards if the time arises.

01-07-05, 12:05 PM
General Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest military leaders of all time. His tactics and strategies have played a great part in today's strategies and tactics.

It was General Lee that the Union wanted first. General Grant was sloppy seconds. It was by mere happenstance that the Confederate Army lost the war overall.

(Speaking militarily only - I am not speaking of the political aspects of the men above)

01-07-05, 12:08 PM
Understood, just because your side may lose does not necessarily reflect on the leader.

Sgt. Smitty
01-07-05, 12:11 PM
Both sides had great strategists working for them. I for one see no problem with the stars and bars being flown, it's a major part of out history and should be recognized as such and nothin more.

01-07-05, 12:16 PM
Agreed, we should look at historical things for what they truly are not for what one may interpret them as and become popular belief.

01-07-05, 12:27 PM
Beliefs can be funny and odd sometimes.

A retired Canadian Airborne Corporal asked me if I was Canadian or American. I said "I have dual citizenship."

He replied, "No, I mean if we went to war with the States, would you shoot other Marines?"

I said, "No, you'd be the first one I'd kill!"

He laughed and bought me a beer! :marine:

01-07-05, 12:31 PM
LOL.. Hell I would have bought you a beer for that one yellow..


01-07-05, 02:06 PM
Yellowing, you are too much sometimes

01-07-05, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by DSchmitke
Must be a bleeding heart Liberal.. Jacka$$

you forgot the "he must be black" part too.

S/F, hum

01-07-05, 02:22 PM
nah, it was STATED that he was black. so no forgetting that.

Sgt. Smitty
01-07-05, 04:07 PM
Stupidity will never end in this country, neither will people with a little power that think they can dictate what questions are aske in these forums.

Sgt. Smitty
01-07-05, 04:10 PM
Ring any bells shaffer? It should.

01-08-05, 05:36 AM
The Stars and Bars have been quite an issue here in Georgia the past few years. It was removed from our state flag about three years ago, which didn't upset me like it did a lot of folks down here. It was originally put on the flag, I feel, as a defiant gesture against segregation. It is a part of history and, for many reasons, should not be forgotten. However, depending on it's use, I can see why some folks get offended when they see it. Symbols can mean different things to different folks. Even the swaztika was a US Army symbol, I forget which outfit, prior to WWII.

Let's see. "Dixie" was written by a Northerner, and "Battle Hymn of the Republic" by a Southerner. Go figure. If "Dixie" or the Stars and Bars offend anyone, they might not want to drive through Georgia, they'd be so mad by the time they got to Florida that they wouldn't be able to enjoy Mickey down there in Orlando.

01-08-05, 07:42 AM
Our SNCO on Color Guard Detail was a dark green Marine. We had a dedication of a state park in Georgia once. When the subject of carrying the Georgia state flag came up he said, "No one will touch that nasty rag! Am I understood? If they ask, just politely tell them we are not allowed because we are part of the Federal goverment. If any Marine touches that 'THING', it will be their last day on my Color Guard Detail!"

We just nodded our heads and said, "Aye-aye, Staff Sergeant." There was no debating on misinderstandings and history.