View Full Version : The Worldwide Jihad Against Christianity

12-22-04, 06:36 AM
The Worldwide Jihad Against Christianity

December 16, 2004

by Sher Zieve


Lest anyone think that the leftist-waged war against Christianity is peculiar to the United States, it is not. Their actions, worldwide, belie that assumption. Here are but, a few examples.

In order to “protect Muslim sensibilities”, Malaysian King Syed Sirajuddin and Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi have decreed that no reference to Jesus will be allowed, during “Christmas” celebrations, in the country. Since 1983, the attempted genocide of Christians in Sudan has been summarily waged by Muslims. Thus far, approximately 1.5 million Sudanese have been killed and 4 million displaced. In Europe, as Muslim populations continue to increase markedly, anti-Christian forces and [their] political lobbies have been grown and gained increasing strength and support. Vienna’s Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has spoken out, to little avail, against this growing and dangerous trend. As the Muslim population increases in France, the growth of anti-Christian groups and anti-Semitism is, proportionally, on the rise. And as this same population grows in Canada, that country has also become increasingly anti-Christian. The Canadian courts have even ruled portions of the Christian Bible “hate speech”, as they concurrently provide safe haven in Quebec for members of NAMBLA.

Even in Italy, home of the Vatican, anti-Christian sentiment has grown exponentially. Italian politician Rocco Buttiglione said: "In Europe, it is fashionable to be anti-Christian". In Los Angeles, CA the ACLU threatened to take the county to court if it did not remove all references to Christianity from its County Seal. In New York, the Islamic star and crescent and Jewish Menorah are allowed to be displayed but, not allowed are any references to Jesus and Christianity.

Throughout relatively recent human history, those countries that have held and consistently employed Judeo-Christian principles in their societies have thrived. Those that haven’t have not flourished. As these principles continue to be removed from and destroyed by societies, so do the once-flourishing countries become decadent and begin to deteriorate. We are already seeing this in Canada, with its embracing of the North American Man Boy Love Association and its lowering of sexual consent, for it children, to 14 years of age. These may not be ‘politically correct’ statements. Nevertheless, they are true.

Human history is filled with the carcasses of once-great countries that allowed prurient interests to overtake values, if not common sense; falsely using the pretense of ‘individual freedom’ to support their various desires. The questions before us include both will we allow the decadent self-interest of a few to obliterate us and, if not, when will we wake up and decide to stop these inane and civilization-destroying actions? Something that I view as an even more dire scenario is the annihilation of Judeo-Christian beliefs in favor of the Islamic-terrorist movement; the same movement that has told all countries it plans take over the world. In odd, if not suicidal, actions the left appears to have formed an unholy pact with these terrorists. Apparently, the left believes that, ultimately, it will be able to control the terrorists. This is, yet, another dangerously inane assumption. For, in destroying Christianity, its tenets and care toward all humanity, the left is demolishing its only hope of survival. If the terrorists succeed in their agenda, the leftists will be murdered along with the rest of us. But, leftists operate on emotion and have never been accused of rational thought processes. If we are to continue as both societies and a viable civilization, we who employ sanity and values must be the adults in a world of angry and vicious children. We must be the ones to set the boundaries for their actions. Otherwise, survival at best will be tenuous; if not impossible. It’s almost past time for the grown-ups to take back our respective countries and the planet. This is, indeed, the time for a call to arms.
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is a conservative political commentator who firmly believes that if Leftists ran the country (left to their own devices), it would be the end of the United States as a sovereign nation. Sher’s articles regularly appear on Google, MSN Newsbot, US-News.Net, Useless Knowledge and other news sites. Ms. Zieve welcomes you comments and can be reached at: earthseed@iwon.com.
