View Full Version : The Sergeants Course

12-19-04, 10:20 AM
I saw an outstanding documentary on the UK's Sergeant's Course.

What struck me was that it was an interservice training facility. Regular British army Corporals were training with our Royal Marine Brothers.

One army Corporal had a particularly hard go of it. He barely finished the 20 mile hump, and had to be assisted by his training platoon members just to finish.

To his dismay, the instructors failed him anyway on that training evolution. "You finished the hike, but you are in no shape to fight or lead if you had to!" HARSH

Most of the training platoon passed the course. The training course was just a formality to the outstanding Corporals.

But that one army Corporal was told, "You don't pass. You just don't have that 'bite' to be a Sergeant."

All of the Royal Marines' Corporals passed!

Ed Palmer
12-19-04, 10:52 AM
Isnt this the same program that 1st FSR started at Camp Pendleton back about 58 or 59 over in 22 area. it was a 2 week school that you had to go to once a year. I remember going to it but cant remember much about it other than it was rough as hell.
Got my butt kicked a coupla of times by the DI want to be Instructers.
But like DI,s they got their point across.
That would have been a good program to go Corps wide with, But the only place I saw it was when I was part of FSR.

01-10-05, 12:13 AM
I like the sgt's course it did kick my ass abit physically, and mentally with all the sleep and food deprevation, the pack runs,the zero dark thirty test, live fire batteries, but it did give me a sense of pride and it made me a better nco because we all know that there are some out there that really in some of our opinions get promoted for time in not for accomplishments or job performance.thats the 10% we are always told about those individuals