View Full Version : Speaking English Preserves Our National Heritage

12-02-04, 06:36 AM
Speaking English Preserves Our National Heritage

December 2, 2004

by Nathan Tabor


“Breathes there the man with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said: ‘This is my own, my native land’?” Most of us have heard those famous lines. But exactly why do they resonate across the years?

I believe it’s because they capture the essence of patriotism and national identity.

Today we have a large and rapidly growing population of immigrants, both legal and illegal, surging into the United States, many of them Hispanic. As a result, some well-meaning folks are advancing the idea that our schools should teach classes in Spanish to accommodate those who don’t know English.

America, the modern politically correct theory goes, should become a multilingual culture to reflect the multicultural backgrounds of the various ethnic groups who now live here. Thus our election ballots, laws, public records, court proceedings, etc., should all be conducted in at least two languages and possibly more.

This misguided idea represents the epitome of enlightened liberalism.

I believe that such a move would be a cultural disaster because it would result in the Balkanization of American society. After all, there are currently more than 300 different languages spoken by various groups within America.

It is true that we are a “nation of immigrants,” and that the proverbial American “melting pot” contains individuals from a variety of different cultural backgrounds. It is also legitimate for people to remember and preserve many of their ancient traditions and their ethnic heritage.

However, the essence of immigration has always been assimilation into the larger American society. People flocked to our shores en masse because America alone promised them freedom and the opportunity for a better life than they had elsewhere. While they might speak their native languages at home, in public they did business in English so that they could flourish and prosper in this new land.

To become naturalized American citizens, these newcomers had to learn our language and our history, and then take a solemn oath to obey our laws and defend our way of life. In other words, they had to change and adapt to the new common culture they desired to join. They might retain their own personal cultural distinctive, but their new national identity made them all uniquely Americans.

“There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americans,” pronounced President Theodore Roosevelt a century ago.

“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities. We have but one flag. We must also learn one language and that language is English,” TR shrewdly observed.

Roosevelt’s authoritative proclamation came at a high tide of American immigration, when literally hordes of immigrants from Eastern as well as Western Europe were flooding America’s shores and filling her cities and factories with the raw human resources of the Industrial Revolution. He saw the dangers as well as the blessings of this massive influx of humanity.

Today there is an effort afoot to pass legislation declaring English to be the official language of the United States. This was not done by the Founding Fathers, because back then there was no reason to pass a law mandating what was already true in fact. The overwhelming majority of settlers in colonial America came from what Winston Churchill later famously called “the English-speaking peoples.” Thanks to the navies of the British Empire, the English language has encircled and dominated the globe.

Declaring English to be the official language of America today would mean that official government business at all levels must be conducted solely in English. This includes all public documents, records, legislation and regulations, as well as hearings, official ceremonies, public meetings and election ballots.

Today twenty-seven states have some form of “Official English” law, and there is an ongoing effort in Congress to pass national legislation. Of course, the ACLU opposes this idea, despite the fact that 82 percent of adult Americans favor it, according to the latest Zogby poll.

An Official English laws will not only preserve our cultural heritage, historical documents, and uniquely American way of life, it will also enable immigrants to fit in and flourish here. At a bare minimum, Official English legislation would:

Promote unity within the society;
Empower immigrants to prosper in the community;
Produce efficient, common-sense government.
“I believe we are being dishonest with language minority groups if we tell them they can take full part in American life without learning the English language,” said S.I. Hayakawa, the founder of U.S. English, Inc., the leader in promoting Official English.

Hayakawa’s sentiments thus agree with those of President Ronald Reagan, without question the most respected and beloved American leader of the 20 th Century.

“By emphasizing the importance of a common language, we safeguard a proud legacy and help to ensure that America’s future will be as great as her past,” Reagan said.

For both our great nation and her diverse people, Official English makes good sense.

Nathan Tabor


12-02-04, 08:27 AM
If Ronald Reagan backed it...then I'm all for the common language

Toby M
12-02-04, 09:28 AM
Year after year after year this country's politicians have torn away at the very fabric that created the greatest country in the world. They do so by allowing other nations and cultures to come in and demand (not ask or request) that our schools, laws and local customs be changed to suit them or their culture. The school prayer, the Pledge of Allegience and a two language system are but a few of the demands imposed on by these groups. Our kids can never hope to grow up in a society as intended by our forefathers due to these impending changes and our courts are allowing it to happen. Don't get me wrong, I am all for allowing the downtrodden to make a better life for themselves and their familiies but why does my life have to change to make theirs better. I am an American first and a Hispanic second. The United States of America is my country and I proudly served it and my community for the better part of my life! I have asked nothing and I have taken nothing in return other than to let me live in the country that I love. Seeing other nations come in and receive interest free loans for housing, forcing schools to hire bi-linguel teachers and interpretors only serves to perpetuate the myth that America is up for grabs and open for the taking. (my two cents worth)

Sgt. Smitty
12-31-04, 12:17 PM
Toby, been sayin the same thing for years now, if people want to come here and live then let them learn the damned language the way we had to and let them learn our customs. THis is America...not some damned backwards nation. You want to live and work here.......then learn the language or get the hell out. I been sayin for years that this govt. is slowly givin this country away to anyone that wants it. This $hit has got to stop. Why should we have to learn a different language to get a job in this country? Not so? Oh ya it is.........McDonalds in Newport Oregon won't hire anyone that can't speak Spanish and English, NO BULL$HIT.......I am so sick of this govt. and the policies that they make up on a daily basis i feel like eliminating every politician in this country and try to get this country back to the basics that has kept it going for so long.......we DON'T NEED ANY MORE IMMIGRANTS IN THIS COUNTRY........let the a$$holes go somewhere else for a change.

12-31-04, 01:50 PM
Amen Toby and Smitty

If we could send the ACLU ( All Communist litigation unit) to bin laden and the pukes like him. The war would be over by Easter.

12-31-04, 02:54 PM
I agree 100% with Toby M & Sgt. Smitty.

Trouble is, no one seems to have the gonads to stop this degregation of American culture.

Since when did we bend to the whims of the minorities, cry babies and the politically correct misfits ?.

12-31-04, 03:03 PM
Since when did we bend to the whims of the minorities, cry babies and the politically correct misfits ?.
Always. Its how we progress as a society. If it hadn't been for organizations like the ACLU, we'd still be Puritans owning other human beings as property.

12-31-04, 04:20 PM
I'd be all for an "all english america". The day we give Texas, New Mexico, Arizona & California back to Mexico.

12-31-04, 06:11 PM
How about the Louisiana Purchase going back to.....
and Alaska going back to...........
Not all of California belonged to Mexico although a Mission was built just a little bit north of San Francisco to let the Russian settlements in Northern California know that Mexico existed. Vaqueros traveled into Yellowstone occasionally to help out Mountainmen in need of assistance. If I go to Germany or France it would be beneficial for me to know the language.
Meanwhile, my parents had to learn English, I did as well, so did my children but I have to admit trying to read a San Francisco Ballot was a challenge especially the Cantonese part. LOL. Have a good New Year. Prospero Anos Nuevo. (Hope I got that right)

Toby M
12-31-04, 07:00 PM
Well, we don't have to give any part of this country back. We just have to stop letting so many people in and allowing them to dictate to us how to run our country. Thanks for nothing ACLU...

12-31-04, 07:14 PM
"Going back to"----?

Wait a minute!

Who really owned the land that is now called America?

I doubt that France or Spain or Russia or Mexico or Germany or England or any other who made claim are the real owners.

How about those local folks that were already here when they arrived?

You know who I mean, we called them Indians.

But wait again!

The Indians as I understand, didn't have a comprehension of land ownership. If we accept that, then no one really owns the land.

It follows then, that America is "no-man's land" and there is no one to return it to.


English is the language of America.

I fell that it's best to stay with that because language is the common bond that glues us all together.

12-31-04, 07:25 PM
Didn't Native Indian Tribes establish certain territories for themselves based on resources and conquest? That sounds like land ownership to me on a very general scale. Didn't the Iroquois Nation create their own passports awhile back? (1970's-1980's?) I believe the Indians from the Northwest (Alaska and such) came all the way down to the California coastline on slave raiding parties. Heck, I vaguely remember reading or hearing about the above incidents. The best way to find out would be to ask the source. A Native American Tribal Historian.
Interesting concept Greensideout. Have a good New Year.

12-31-04, 07:43 PM
Osotogary, I think it's just a matter of language. (Here we go---lol--- and we are only working with one language, we don't need more).

I beleive the the use of resources and the conquest of other tribes is not related to owning the land itself. I could be wrong. You make a good point.

A Good New Year to you as well.

d c taveapont
12-31-04, 10:54 PM
Hey Marines I had to learn my Language before English...and today i still use it. to talk to the Elders in my Tribe..since i work for the water dept....."Pee-Naa-sulk-supp"....Later

12-31-04, 11:03 PM
d c taveapont,
Ya got me by the shorties on this one. I hope you said "Happy New Year". Have a good one.

01-01-05, 02:36 AM
Everyone loves the small minded~!!


01-01-05, 06:09 AM
While I kind of agree that English is the "national language" - and my grandfather, who fled Poland because he ticked off the Czar's governor - was a professor of engineering at Krakow University who did not get a job as an engineer until he could readm speak and write English - even though he read, spoke and wrote Polish, French, Russian and German - have to remmebr a quote from the show "West Wing".

The topic of making English the national language was discussed - the reply was something like I would not like that legislation, and besides, why legislate the language of Shakespeare.

01-01-05, 09:57 AM
The ACLU is a Good thing? The fine people who cost school districts across the country billions of dollars that could actualy be spent on education defending having students recite or at least stand during the pledge? sue cities to keep them from flying the AMERICAN flag on fire trucks after 9-11 because someone may find it offensive. represented Jeffrey Dahmer so that he could profit from literary deals forkilling, dismembering, and eating seven inocent people? I'll pass on them doing anything else for me thankyou. We could also give Texas, New mexico, Arizona, and California back. My ? is to whom. The lands that mexico claimed came from SPANISH land grants and the missions that help establish cities were sent out as emisaries of the Catholic church. So do we give the lands to the Spanish, the church, or just vacate it and let them fight it out?

01-01-05, 10:42 AM
:marine:HAPPY NEW YEAR, MARINES....OK, let's get down to the business at hand...we aren't giving anything back to any foreign power[s]...what we fought for belongs here in these here United States...the subject matter discussed is...why do we tolerate 2nd-3rd-4th languages in public...a Hispanic-Texan Congressman enacted a bill for Spanish as a 2nd language...it passed in both Houses during the 1st Clinton administration...we got sold out by Congress ever since on all social adjustments, it seems; however, here in Massachusetts, the electorate put a referendum on the ballot to disallow any langauage other than English to be spoken in public schools;and beyond that,it was voted in by the voters with a 3 to 1 majority...screw those liberal Democrats in Washington, DC...these salacious and devious Congressmen get back all the immigrant votes assuring these windbags: Kerry-Kennedy-Markey and that lying midget Meehan] in Congress, with "life tenure" in either House..we true American-born are not listened to or duly represented...well, these Congressmen are going to be VOTED out of Congress in the next election..."these new Americans" better listen up also....SPEAK ENGLISH in public; WTF you do indoors is another thing...try this one on....next time in the Mall as you casually window shop, how many different languages do you overhear....a shlt load, in the Boston area...and try to check out...the ethnic clown on the cash register, he, she or it, can hardly speak English....better count your change, too....this is what being politically correct has cost us...don't let these 3rd world gang/bangers from outside the USA diminish our hard won heritage and worthy customs...from 1775, including, WW2-Korea-Vietnam-Bierut-Desert Storm-Iraqui Freedom Marines...hold on to our [strict]Constitution and Bill of Rights...stop being wimps and speak out loud and clear...This is OUR country!! Semper Fidelis :marine:

A. Schwartz
01-01-05, 11:19 AM
When my other came from Italy in 1921 there were no signs in italian, they had to assimilate in the american culture or fall by the wayside. However, those immigrants had a fierce pride and they learned the language of their adopted country, it seems that the new wave doesn't posess pride or willingness to learn and our legislators seems to reward their laziness by making everything easier for them. So now they continue to understand or speak english when its conveinent.

A. Schwartz
01-01-05, 11:20 AM
let me correct that, it should be "mother"

01-01-05, 01:37 PM
Here in California we actually got to vote on a proposition that made english the only language recognized by the state and it was passed overwhelmingly by the people. So what happened, you guessed it the state supreme court struck it down as unconstitutional.

01-01-05, 03:15 PM
Always amazes me that the supposedly highly inteligent individuals that sit on our highest courts ca't read and comprehend the first sentence of a document that begins " We the People"

d c taveapont
01-01-05, 05:14 PM
Os........What i said was like "i'll see you later..." only we have different terms or different phases meaning the same....sort of like "Naaa Vuuu puaa ga ut" which means "a person who has been to war"...

01-01-05, 05:28 PM
I get to the ATM machine to buy some money, and the screen is in Spanish.

I mean the braille imprint, isn't in Spanish, why should you have to make a choice?

Or when you call a company, phone company, etc, and it answers with "for English, press one, for Spanish "Prima el numero dos."

I had an ink pen, once, that wrote in English, Spanish and Vietnamese and I never had to program it to do either. LOL

01-01-05, 06:54 PM
Hey Hawk
As a note into how well and fast people can learn when properly motivated by simple devices....... in 15 years I have never met a mofo that didn't instantly understand the ching-ching of a 12 gauge being in the area.

01-01-05, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by jo_beth
Everyone loves the small minded~!!


Dee-gis? Is that Hopi language? ;)

Toby M
01-01-05, 08:52 PM
Well Woodman ya silly guy, that's because ching-ching is the universal language (thereby understood by all). Translated it means, "your A** is mine if you move or breath..."

01-02-05, 10:20 AM
Spoken like a true member of the thin blue line brother.
I would venture that you have used this form of non verbal communication yourself a few times LOL. Semper Fi " let's do it to them before thet do it to us" hill st. blues:thumbup: :marine: