View Full Version : Another set of "boot" questions.

10-27-04, 11:54 AM
So I'm getting ready to take my blues to the tailor to get chevrons put on as well as punched for anodized removable buttons, and I'm not quite clear on what MCO 1020.34G (the latest and greatest MCO on uniforms) means regarding the placement of the chevrons. The text of the order says "4 inches below the shoulder seam and centered" Does that mean that the tip of the chevron top is 4 inches below the shoulder seam, or is that 4 inches to the center of the chevron or the bottom of the chevron?

Additionally, the thread used should match the red on the chevrons, correct?

Thanks in Advance

- Meyer

10-27-04, 12:15 PM
Meyer, I just checked my Guidebook For Marines 11th edition and on page 167 it shows a diagram indicating that it means the center of the chevron. The picture shows a Pfc chevron on one arm and 1stSgt on the other. The same wording appears as in the MCO "chevrons are always centered between the shoulder seam and bottom edge of sleeve regardless of size". Hope this helps you out.

Semper Fi

10-27-04, 12:39 PM
"chevrons are always centered between the shoulder seam and bottom edge of sleeve regardless of size".
They should make that clearer, it sounds like it should be on the freakin' elbow the way it reads!

10-27-04, 12:43 PM
I know that one doesn't apply to the dress blues... sounds like for short sleeve uniforms perhaps?

I've got diagrams, so I know generally where they go, this is a matter of an inch or two... one would think that after 229 years we would've gotten this one down :)

10-27-04, 01:21 PM
Looking at the guidebook again your right that is a short sleeve in the diagram. Right below they show diagrams of blues and summer/winter service A and long sleeve blouse. On the blues it appears that the tip of the chevron is about 4" below the shoulder seam and centered. This never was a problem for me as I always got the job done at the base tailor and they knew exactly where to place them. If you dont have a guidebook from boot camp I can FAX you the page with the diagrams if you have access to a FAX.

10-27-04, 02:50 PM
Thanks SSgt, but I managed to get it cleared up... it pays to have friends in the right places :). I appreciate the help though.
- Meyer