View Full Version : The Vietnam War was the Right War at the Right Time for the Right Reasons and it was

08-04-04, 06:07 AM
The Vietnam War was the Right War at the Right Time for the Right Reasons and it was worth it!

The Vietnam War was the Right War at the Right Time for the Right Reasons and it was worth it!

President John F. Kennedy decided to stop the locust swarm-like advance of Communism in Southeast Asia for morally right and geopolitically correct reasons. He continued in the tradition of President Harry Truman and the old patriotic Democratic Party. President Lyndon B. Johnson loyally continued and expanded that effort to contain Communism.

Contain Communism? Modern Americans are prone to laugh at such a goal because they are totally ignorant of the bloody history of Communism because the Left liberal controlled Media-Academic Complex has done its best to erase it from our collective memory.

Here is the truth about Communism;

1 – From its inception by Karl Marx and its codification by Lenin, Communism was committed to unlimited violence to gain power and merciless unpredictable terror to keep it. The structure and brutality of the Soviet regime was purely the product of the fevered brain of Vladimir Ilych Lenin loosely guided by Karl Marx and totally driven by the Will to Power and a total disdain for humanity. Communist theory was never more than window dressing and marketing. He developed sophisticated propaganda tools – including hosts of American professors, artists and writers - as an instrument to totally destroy individual human rights.

2 – When it came to murder, however, Lenin was a piker compared to Stalin. Lenin was responsible for a mere few million deaths while Stalin obliterated scores of millions of thinking, feeling human beings, usually for no good reason. Soviet and Chinese Communism were the instruments of the destruction of more lives of men, women and children than all other human built agents of death in human history put together. Please note that this includes the European holocaust of the Nazis and the Asian holocaust of Imperial Japan.

By the way, Nazism, or National Socialism, was actually a Marxist heresy promoted by former Marxists that simply replaced the Bourgeoisie as the devil with Jews and other “inferior” races as the devils to fight. Nazism was also strongly supported by German university professors who wrote thousands of books and articles. A strong case can be made that Communism and National Socialism were just two forms of Marxist Socialism who hated each other the way Christian Europe was once composed of Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians who would gleefully burn each others babies alive.

Can there be any doubt that Kennedy and Johnson did the right thing in implementing Truman’s containment strategy? Can there be any doubt that Nixon was also correct to continue that bipartisan policy? Later I will explain how this policy was, in part, actually very successful.

So what are the results of the American political failure to win that war even in the face of the great success on the ground brought about by our patriotic soldiers and our superb military establishment? After we pulled out so ignominiously – I remember crying angrily as I watched those helicopters evacuating from the roof of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon – over two million Cambodians were murdered by the Communist Khmer Rouge and another million were murdered by the Communist Vietnamese.

So much for the heroism of the protestors under the leadership of John Kerry, Jane Fonda and their other “anti-war” cohorts. There is no doubt in my mind that those people have the blood of countless millions of innocent human beings on their hands.

On the other hand, the near destruction of the Communist Vietnamese military assets and their economy and the eventual defeat of the Khmer Rouge bought enough time for Thailand to successfully deal with its indigenous Communist insurgency. This saved hundreds of millions of citizens of Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia from the murderous ravages of the greatest evil of the Twentieth Century.

So my fellow veterans and brothers; ease your souls. We couldn’t save the Vietnamese and the Cambodians, but we did save the rest of Southeast Asia. We can at least go to our graves with that satisfaction for all our hard work, blood and grief.

