View Full Version : Cost of Freedom?

07-04-04, 06:27 PM
Went to Hollywood Beach earlier this morning, about 0830, to enjoy the sand and ocean. Came across a beached raft that had apparently been used buy a group of Cubans to reach these United States. It was cleverly made with styrofoam, wood, metal and fabric. There was a vinyl yellow raincoat and some blood stains (not fresh). The police were notified and so was the Coast Guard. It was an "up close and personal" reminder of what some people will do to seek freedom. Some reminder! Perhaps the rafters found the freedom that they sought. If they didn't....it was one heck of a try.
Enjoy your Fourth and the freedom to enjoy it.

07-04-04, 06:29 PM
This was taken about 0900.

07-04-04, 10:46 PM
I'm pretty sure it was Reagan who said that you can measure a country by how many people want in and how many people want out.

This country isn't perfect and we have our own problems, but d!&&it it makes me proud to have been all over this world (thanx to our beloved Corps, hehe) and see almost every country that I've been to trying to be like us.

Something else that makes me proud is a fact that can and should be thrown in the face of every liberal f&#*ing hippie that called our troops murderers and babykillers during the Vietnam War and the liberal f&#*ing (does hippies apply in this day and age too?) who say that our troops aren't doing any good in Afghanistan and Iraq. If our troops were such murderous savages in 'Nam, then how come so many (I can't remember the exact figure, but it was in the neighborhood of 75%)Vietnamese refugees came to the U.S. after the fall of Saigon?

I feel fortunate to be an American, because it's not like we got to pick which country we were born in.