View Full Version : Only In America! Part II

05-29-04, 10:10 AM
We worry about the abuse of a few prisoners in a prison in Iraq.
Yet we won't allow a few photos showing the caskets holding the remains of men and women , who have given their alls as the price of Freedom.
Those abused Iraqi prisoners are now promised money for any abused visited on their bodies.
"Who Speaks for the Dead?"
A Flag and a gravemarker plus insurance money will be given family or kin of those that gave their alls.
On this weekend pior to Memorial Day, a day we remember our war dead, among those war dead will be those whose remains have came back almost in secret because we refuse the release of photos showing their caskets.
"The Price of Freedom, is buried in the ground!"
How apporiate are those words today!
The Price of Freedom is still being paid by a generation that only knew what we call peace, untill evil men visited us on 11 September 2001.
Some say I will enlist to lay my life on the line for my nation.
It would be better if they said, I enlisted to make someone else lay down his life for the evil visited us on 11 September 2001.


05-29-04, 11:47 AM
It's sickening, Ricardo. The Iraqi prisoners were there for a reason, they're not Boy Scout material ... that's for sure. Our country has gone so far to the left that we're APOLOGIZING for doing what has to be done. I wonder what life would be like if after the bombing of Pearl Harbor America had to "apologize" for defending itself. I wonder how the protestors would have been received ... the long hair fat bodies holding their "No War For Oil" signs.

I'm sure you've come across that joke via email about how we should pull out of Iraq ... and every other foreign nation ... in addition we should seal our borders and STOP IMMEDIATELY our practice of writing those foreign aid checks. Let those who need help go to the UN ... or France ... or Germany.

I'm stopping here ... i think I can hear my own blood boil!

God Bless America ... land of the free because of the brave.

05-29-04, 06:14 PM
apparently, a bunch, if not a majority of the prisoners were there for no reason at all. I find that more troubling than the mistreatment. again I ask, WTF is going on over there and who TF is in...

05-29-04, 08:09 PM

Where are you getting your intel? From what I've "heard" (read) the prisoners weren't exactly Boy Scouts.

Vote which ever way you want ... I'm voting a straight RIGHT ticket, as usual.

05-29-04, 08:42 PM
they keep releasing em, the prisioners, cause they didn't do anything. i ask, why were they incarcerated?

Unlike Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al, I didn't rely on the self serving Chalibi for intel. That's criminal.

05-29-04, 10:38 PM
"... they didn't do anything."

Says who?

"I didn't rely on the self serving Chalibi for intel."

Who do you rely on? Honeslty, I'm open to hearing the other side ... care to cite your source?

05-29-04, 10:47 PM
If you believe the Red Cross reports (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/30/international/middleeast/30ABUS.html?pagewanted=2&ei=5062&en=f88f856ed7c60a85&ex=1086494400&partner=GOOGLE) - "A confidential report in February by the International Committee of the Red Cross said that "military intelligence officers told the I.C.R.C. that in their estimate between 70 percent and 90 percent of the persons deprived of their liberty in Iraq had been arrested by mistake." Some of those people were released by units in the field without ever being sent to a permanent prison like the main one at Abu Ghraib, the report said."

When it come to the lives of our Marines, arrest anybody that might be a threat. We can always pay their lost wages later if they aren't. $350 a month for a goat herder is more than fair.

05-30-04, 01:24 AM
"When it come to the lives of our Marines, arrest anybody that might be a threat."

Amen yellowwing, I couldn't have said it any better. I'm sick and tired of folks (especially civilians ... which I'm well aware I'm one of) thinking the military owes it to them to explain their actions while fighting a war!

Do what needs to be done to protect me please ... thank you very much.

05-30-04, 02:55 PM
Ivalis, ivalis... what to do with you? This is the second thread in a s many day's I have seen something you have written that really irritates me.

And maybe THIS is a little extreme, but...

Hell with them. To hell with the Iraqi's, to hell with ALL those people in the middle east. If a great cataclisym occured, and the entire region was destroyed, I would not shed a tear.

If there is one thing I have learned in my years on this earth, it's this. The only casualties in war that matter, are the ones on our side. You are so worried about the Iraqis? why not go join em?

06-01-04, 08:42 AM
ivalis - get your facts straight. The ones who were "abused" were VERY much suspect and tied to terrorism. We are talking about a few dozen prisoners who were "abused." They were in a seperate wing from the others. MANY of the others were there already under Saddam's regime. SOME of those were rapists, murderers, etc... One of the rapists was "abused" and humiliated. Good - he probably deserved it.

The prisoners that are being released now are ones that refused to cooperate with us at first and tell us who they are. They had an attitude with the U.S. We had to lock them up until they could be verified. Others were small time crooks that Saddam's regime arrested for stupid crap such as making beer.

The ones that pose a threat will never be released. The guy standing on the box - the guy being cornered by the dog - the guy on his knees huffing on the other guy's manhood - They will not be released. Not because they have a story to tell, but because they would stab you in the freaking heart if released.

And as for our President, he is very much in control and wouldn't be stupid enough to have pi$$ in his boots. If previous Presidents had been actively seeking out terrorism instead of "feeling your pain" and getting a hummer in the oval office, we wouldn't be going through this crap now.

8 years and plenty of reasons why to go to war. USS Cole, WTC 1993, Khobar Towers, U.S. Embassies, etc...

Cancel your subscription to Michael Moore Magazine and pay attention to what's going on.