View Full Version : Unfit to be commander in chief

05-04-04, 09:36 PM
Vietnam vets slam Kerry <br />
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By RICHARD TOMKINS, UPI White House Correspondent <br />
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WASHINGTON, May 4 (UPI) -- Sen. John Kerry's accounts of his service in Vietnam and his statements that he witnessed...

05-04-04, 10:44 PM
So what are you Republican Marines going to do if our grand republic elects John Kerry to the Whitehouse? All this political badmouthing and counter mudslinging is showing everyone that our Marine Corps brotherhood is paper thin.

I have also been guilty on getting into these pointless scraps. It does not serve our purpose that Leatherneck has stated in the the FAQ:
"Originally launched on November 10, 2001 to coincide with the Marine Corps Birthday, we are dedicated to providing service, support and the most information pertaining to the Marine Corps as possible. Our objective simple and clear: To build a support community of Marines, designed for Marines, by Marines."

What we are doing is showing the world that we are divided. I'm sure our webmaster can look at the access logs and see how many people from Syria and Iran are checking out our lack of Esprit de Corps.

Instead of researching rebuttals, I am now trying now to spend more time researching USMC history and helpful motivation for these young poolees. We do not have political officers in our Corps!

Our combat veterans can pass on what are some real world applications for SMEAC, five paragraph order, what is OCOKA, and that kind of thing.

05-04-04, 11:44 PM
When the Vietnam veterans returned from war <br />
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It was not the loud voice of the political anti-war movement that caused returning Vietnam veterans to remain silent about the war. <br />
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For as long...

05-05-04, 12:34 AM
Yellowwing <br />
If Kerry gets elected, and becomes President and Commander in Chief, I shall pray for the lives of our fellow Marines and other branches of service. They will suffer the consequences of...

05-05-04, 12:48 AM
Leatherneck is no longer a Marine Corps forum. It is now a poltical forum. We are Republican Marines and Democratic Marines. We don't need to foster the brotherhood or teach these poolees anything as long as we have some juicy tidbit of politics to toss around.

05-05-04, 01:00 AM
You have a point, Yellowwing.

Lets suggest closing it down permanently.

Does that sound okay with you?

...............Change the rules....................
State that the mission is to keep any altercations between Marines out of any and all postings.
No political postings either, such as the poor treatment of a dead Army Ranger named Pat Tillman. It was done for political reasons by his civilian detractors.
Just sweetness and harmony to fill the posting to the poolees. Marine Moms can comiserate with others and talk about how to best ship packages of goodies to their Marines.

You have a point.

05-05-04, 01:03 AM
Lord Yellowwing, no disrespect, but that is a silly statement. Are you trying to tell me in your time in the Corps, political discussions never came up in your unit? they sure did in MINE.