View Full Version : Good Morning Marines

03-20-04, 11:02 AM
Its a great day in America.

The flag is flying high, people are going about their business on our streets and highways.

Some have snow, others rain, here where I'm at, in Sunny California it will be close to 90.

I wonder what Marine is standing watch tonight in Iraq?

What is going through his mind?

America, family and friends. A wish for a McDonald hamburger?

Perhaps just a wish to relax at a safe location without having to be on guard for an incoming round, suicide bomber or a land mine on the roadway.

God Bless America

03-20-04, 11:22 AM
And a hearty Good Morning to you too Sparrow Hawk!

Here in Marine Layerd Oceanside..(lol) it has been a great morning so far...the sun looks as though it's trying to come through..hopefully it will to burn some of this haze off and be a nice sunny day..

Hmmm...that Marine is probably thinking.."I hate sand" LOL...

03-20-04, 02:28 PM
Goodafternoon Cook.....

Doing good so far on my end.....

First day of spring with fresh snow on the ground.....LOL


03-20-04, 02:52 PM
I thought that you would get a kick out of this.

03-24-04, 08:45 PM
SparrowHawk. I'm a little late, must be getting slow in old my age.
Warm, rainey and very windy here for the past two days. Grass starting to turn green, time to get the mower out.
