View Full Version : The Marine Officer

09-10-02, 05:50 PM
A Royal Marines officer had been sent on a particular course, which meant living in a army mess. Coming down to breakfast one day, he found the dining room deserted save for a officer of a Guards Regiment, the Guards officer was sitting at the table wearing his peak hat over his eyes in true Guards Fashion. Grunting a greeting, the Royal Marine sat down, and looked around him for a moment before asking the Guards officer to pass the sugar. Absolutely no responce. Not even a indication the the Marine was in the room. Again the Marine asked for the sugar, and again no responce. He asked for the third time, and finally the Guards officer condescended to speak:'When a Guards officer wears his hat to breakfast, it is an indication that he does not wish to speak to, or be spoken to by, anyone. It is a tradition of the regiment.' The Marine thought about it for a few moments, then climbed on to the table, walked over to the Guards officer and stood in cornflakes.When a Royal Marine officer puts his boots in your cornflakes, it means pass the bloody sugar!'