View Full Version : First term lateral move

09-17-18, 10:59 AM
Keeping it short and sweet, what’s the requirements for lateral moving in your first contract? Is it 2 years of service or 2 years at duty station? And any other information pertaining to lateral moves is greatly appreciated!

P.S. I have tried with the career planner at my unit but he is always “too busy” to answer questions.

09-17-18, 08:32 PM
Not gonna happen unless you are over TO which if you were recruited to do your job they are not over TO, unless you are a sgt possibly moving into a super undermanned MOS.

09-18-18, 09:10 AM
Whatever happened to 1stSgt's and S-1 (Admin) or Career Planner's to get this type of information...???

09-18-18, 10:04 PM
laziness on both sides.

Tennessee Top
09-23-18, 07:26 PM
Last I heard, there is a two year time on station requirement, to cut down on travel expenses related to change of station orders.

As mentioned, lateral moves are mostly used as reenlistment incentives, as well as a means to balance MOS fields. They will not let you move into an already overpopulated MOS, that would just make it even more overpopulated. They will not let you leave an underpopulated MOS, that will just make it more underpopulated. Your lat move request must go through your career planner (they can find out how the MOS fields are population wise). I was a Company and Battalion Career Planner for a couple years. All lat move requests came through me first, if the Marine was eligible, their lat move package was forwarded to the unit commander for their recommendation, and then onto HQMC

Good luck Devil.