View Full Version : "Because Of Me"

USMC 2571
08-23-18, 06:52 AM
"Because Of Me"

Soldiers fought in order for me to be born. Later, a divided country fought. I stayed the same. As the years rolled on, I remained respected; revered, even, by all or by most. Disrespect toward me was frowned upon by the vast majority of Americans. I represented freedom, above all else, and also the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, along with a way of life where the individual is allowed to pursue his or her goals unhindered. I stayed the same for a very long time. Then some began to burn me, to step on me, to spit on me. It was astonishing, really. Somehow I came through it intact. I have always been very strong. Stronger than a group of weak people. Stronger than a few has-beens trying to seem important. I rose above it all. You can see me flying today from buildings, homes, schools.

But here is the thing.

Never forget that it is BECAUSE OF ME that you very few Americans who abuse me, have the freedom to abuse me, to ridicule, burn, step on, revile, spit on, take down, throw away---me. Ironically, I am the very SYMBOL of your freedom to do these horrible things. To think hateful things. To hate, ridicule, browbeat, bully, manipulate---other people, whose only "crime" is that they do not agree with your so-called "ideology".

Never forget that it is BECAUSE of me that you exist. It is BECAUSE I LIVE that you live. You would be nothing without me, your country's flag, a flag that was bought and paid for by a vast number of human lives. The Revolutionary War, the Civll War, World War I, The Korean War, World War II The Vietnam War. Your RIGHTS were bought with my blood.

Without me, you would be slaves at this very moment, at the mercy of some conquering country. I protected you from that. I endured unimaginable hardships for you, in order for you to have the freedom to hate your own country.
Never forget your immense debt to me.

BECAUSE OF ME----you live.

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08-23-18, 04:41 PM
Great post, Dave.......I love it.

08-23-18, 06:28 PM
at least credit the work please
accept NO OTHER

08-24-18, 09:28 AM
Why WE are what we are..... great post.....

USMC 2571
08-24-18, 11:27 AM
Thanks, William

08-24-18, 02:26 PM
great post Dave

USMC 2571
08-25-18, 07:57 AM
Thank you, Lisa---I hope all is well with you.

08-25-18, 04:28 PM
What about me and William??.....you don't give a shet if all is well with us ??

USMC 2571
08-25-18, 04:38 PM
Yes, of course, Billy----sorry. LOL