View Full Version : BRC 0321 lat move

05-20-17, 08:51 AM
Currently talking to the lieutenant about an upcoming recon screener for BRC. July is my 2 year mark for my first enlistment. For recon do I have to re-enlist prior to going to BRC? I feel like if I end up getting an injury or fail something that I would be stuck in another enlistment or ending up doing something I don't want to do. I feel like I would really be rolling the dice. As for MARSOC A&S I know it is post selection that you are entitled to re-enlist. I should be talking to a career planner in a week or two about this but I'm here stuck on duty and thought I grab some thoughts or knowledge from the forms also since it's on my mind. Thanks!

Tennessee Top
05-20-17, 09:52 AM
I was a battalion career planner for a couple years. Normally, before one can attend a formal school or make a lat move, they have to a certain amount of obligated service left on their current contract so the USMC can get a return on their investment (don't get the formal training/experience and then get out right away). For instance, you need to have 38 months obligated service to get orders to MSG school. To meet that service obligation, you can either reenlist or extend your current contract. If you get dropped from the school, the new contract/extension are still binding. Your career planner will be able to answer all your questions.

Good luck Devil.

05-20-17, 04:06 PM
This kid graduated boot camp in October of 2015 and has posted nothing but posts about lat moves and is a PFC, probably lance at this point. My advice is to do your job until you are even eligible to lat move you've been in the fleet for what maybe a year? Crash Fire Rescue, Recon, Body Bearers, Silent Drill Platoon, just do your job and stop worrying about future jobs. Besides you should be talking to your career planner or a recruiter for these MOS' its almost like its their job to tell you about them.