View Full Version : The Old Soldier That Didn't Fade Away

09-06-02, 12:55 PM
Samuel Whitteman was an 80 year old ex-British soldier running a farm in Menotomy Massachussetts in 1775. He had quite an adventurous life. He fought in America before the United States was even a seed of an idea. In the British army, he took part in the French and Indian War. In fact he was already 50 years old and was at the British conquest of the French fort Louisburg in Nova Scotia, in 1745. He was there again in 1759, at age 65, when an American force retook the fort. (for some reason the British had returned it to the French.) His last action as a Bitish soldier was in the Pontiac Uprising in1763. He found himself fighting in the Detroit area. After the Indians were defeated he retired from the Service and settled down on a farm in Menotomy. Most people that age ,in those days,were already buried.

As he settled in as a farmer, he started to consider himself a "Patriot", in other words, an American. He became quite popular in the region as one who thought that Americans should have more say in the affairs of the Country,and not be subject to the whims of a King 3,000 miles away.

On the 19th of April,1775 Sam, who was now 80 years old, heard the sound of gunfire carried by the wind to his fields. He knew what it was immediately. He annouinced to the people on the farm that he was "going to fight the Regulars", and left with his musket. He joined up with other Minute Men in the Village of Arlington and awaited the British that were coming down the road to Boston. They could hear the gunfire getting closer. It Turned out the route to Boston was through a gauntlet of enraged citizens firing from every available piece of cover.

The first British unit to reach Arlington was the 47th Regiment, and Sam stood and fired nto their ranks, knocking a soldier to the ground. He then pulled a brace of pistols and fired again, hitting another British soldier. The British rushed Sam's position, and he stood there as the other Minute Men faded away. A bullet to the face knocked the old man down, and the British soldiers then bayoneted him over and over as he lay there. The Column than passed on leaving the gallant old man for dead. (he had over ten bayonet wounds plus the bullet in the face)

Miracle of miracles,the old man was still alive. He was taken by the colonist to a Dr. Nat Tufts. The doctor did what he could and the colonists then carried Sam to his farm to die in bed. Sam fooled everybody and pulled through.

He lived another 18 years and always said he would have done it again if the chance came.

Those that knew this American warrior believed him.



09-07-02, 11:42 AM
have immediately signed this guy up! Great story. People like this is what has made this country work for over two hundred years.