View Full Version : Problems enlisting, can I go to another recruiter?

05-18-16, 06:52 PM
Hi y'all. Ok so I am trying to enlist in the USMC and have a road block. Im trying to figure out if I can go to another recruiting office. I am in the beginning phase of the enlistment, have not been to MEPS, and my paperwork has not been sent in either. The problem is while filling out the medical paperwork I tried to be truthful and checked yes on the possible past heart conditions. Because I had been seen by a cardiologist for passing out episodes. This was found to be unfounded and I was not diagnosed with anything because my heart was fine and they couldn't find anything wrong after the stress test and echocardiogram and such. And this wouldn't be a problem, however, as a pro caution my Dr put me on a light medication to slow down the heart rate. I was only on this for a short period of time and have been taken off of it since there was no condition found. My recruiting office (who already doesn't take me seriously as a candidate and just pushes me to the back burner) is trying to say that because I haven't been off of td medication for two years I am disqualified from enlistment. Now my question is what should I do? Get further information from my doctor and hope that they allow me through regaurding the medication and place it as a misdiagnosis? Or do I have the option to put this place on hold and go to another recruiting office and not put forth this information since I don't actually have the condition? Can I even do that or does everything get filed into a system that they can pull up? Recommendations? Cuz I really don't have the ability to wait two years. Thanks

05-18-16, 06:59 PM
You have to wait two years, regardless of whichever recruiting office you go to. Your recruiter would love to recruit you, and isn't pushing you to the back burner. He just can't because of your disclosed medical condition.

05-18-16, 07:03 PM
Even if it was found that there was and has not been a condition, and that the medication was only as a precaution during further testing?

05-18-16, 07:36 PM
He doesn't make this decision arbitrarily without consulting with the RSS NCOIC, and the Recruiter Instructor (RI) and the Operations Officer if necessary. If there was the potential to request a waiver, he/she would have done so.

Tennessee Top
05-18-16, 08:48 PM
You would not gain anything by going to another recruiting substation (RSS). All the RSS's in your state report to the same District Headquarters. Meaning, they all follow the same policies, have the same Operations Officer, etc. All the recruiters in your district network (mandatory training sessions, policy meetings, etc). So, it's likely any new RSS would know your history.

You did the right thing by being truthful. You're not being punished for that. Policies are in place for a reason and must be followed (regardless of how bad they hurt or unfair they may seem). We see a lot of wannabes here who are permanently disqualified for medical reasons.

You have no other option than to wait for the two years to pass.

Good luck.