View Full Version : Sean Penn...Expert of what?

01-14-04, 10:12 PM


What is his expertist on matter of state?
Also how did he get creditionals as a journlist?
Mad as hades in chilly northwest Indiana.
This didn't help my suffering of this darn cold!

01-15-04, 03:36 AM
:marine: A sagacious Japanese proverb seems fitting for Sean Penn...."Crabs dig holes:according to their size". Semper Fi:marine:

Super Dave
01-15-04, 01:23 PM
An expert on making crappy movies maybe....

01-15-04, 02:36 PM
Crappy movies? Did he do anything other than Fast Times at Ridgemont High. lol

01-15-04, 05:59 PM
He's to be pitied. Wouldn't make a patch on a man's ass!!!

01-16-04, 05:35 AM
He's an actor. Actors can make themselves appear as normal human beings for up to two minutes and then the director yells, "Cut," and they revert.
I like Gore Vidal's description of actors best of all: small people with enormous heads.

01-31-04, 12:18 AM
Sean Penn has made at least two "war movies", Thin Red Line is the only one that merits mention, but not for the actors involved, but for the special effects used to mimic combat. Some of the main actors in that movie, specifically Sean Penn, and Woody Harrelson, are known for their outspoken political opposition to anything which strengthens America.

I'd say "Mr. Spicolli", in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, is the only memorable role I've ever seen Penn portray. He is an expert at being Sean Penn, and not much else.

01-31-04, 11:54 AM
Who in the hell cares? HUH? He's just another idiot out there who doesn't have the facts....SHADUP!!!!